BECAUSE OF GRACE, since 1996. My purpose is twofold: 1) to proclaim the Lord and His ways that people can incorporate Him in their everyday lives; 2) to provide consulting, professional training via workshops, seminars, speaking and published works, media, and tools to help people achieve their goals and be their best. Christian based training, as well as Pastoral Counseling (currently online only)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
LOVE: Let's Preach it, Let's Be it

One of the problems that I have noticed over the past almost 20 years of counseling is people who want emotional healing and who want a deep relationship with God, however have not come to experience the love that God has for them. Not because He isn’t making His love known. Not that He has not already demonstrated His love through Jesus’ suffering, death, burial and resurrection (Romans 5:8).
But, partly because many ministers are not teaching about this Great Love. Many sermons don’t focus on the power of the gospel, leaving people to live out Christianity in their own strength. Or, to see Christianity as just another club, activity or gathering.
Another reason is that the hurts and pains of life keep people in bondage, unable to experience the inner freedom that life in Christ provides. To receive emotional healing, requires that we be vulnerable. To be vulnerable we need to feel safe and protected. True safety and protection comes through an accurate knowledge of God and a revealed knowledge of His love for you. When we know God’s love for ourselves we can trust Him with our hurts and pains knowing that He is our Healer and desires to bring healing and freedom to us (Isa 53:4,5; I John 1:2).
The main problem area comes about though when people do not have a healthy or clear understanding of love as God intended it. Much of media leads us to think of love as what the Greeks term eros, a sensual, romantic, surface love which tends to be fantasy like versus the love that God has given the world through Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection to save the world from ultimate destruction (John 3:16, 17). The Greeks term this love agape.
Agape love is the love that comes from God to us and through us to others. It is covenant love; love that loves because it wants to love you and is full of commitment. Love that says “I will never leave you or forsake you; I will always be with you and will have your best interest in mind.” It is a forever love. Us humans can engage in it by an act of the will; that is, choosing to accept God’s love. Then choosing to show agape love and being loving regardless as to the disagreements, challenges and storms of life. It is a love that is determined to work all things together for ultimate good (Romans 8:28).
It is a selfless love. It cares to give love more than the desire to get love, though through covenant/commitment it will receive love. It is a healthy, godly love that never quits and bears much fruit (I Corinthians 13:4-8; Galatians 5:22). Agape love can be learned and applied; however, the ultimate of agape is recognizing God’s love extended to you, receiving it, and then choosing to allow His way of loving to flow from you. This happens by the work of the Holy Spirit who moves upon us inviting us to partake of God’s love or moving upon us as we seek after God (Psalm 42:1,2) .
So how do we begin to know this Great Love, Agape? Begin by finding a church that has discipleship classes, classes that help you to understand the Bible and in developing a relationship with God. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord is #1 in importance and opens your heart and mind to understanding and knowing God. If you attend church regularly and have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, start praying on a regular basis. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you. Tell Him that you want to know His love. Read the Bible on a regular basis. Ask God to reveal Himself to you as you read and as you pray. Choose to obey His Word. This obedience says to the Lord that you love Him. The more obedience, the more He will reveal and the stronger in Him you will become.
Then when difficulties of life come your way (we all have them), or if memories of the past that produce hurt and pain present themselves, you can trust that the One who loves you so much that he died for you, will be there for you and will bring you through!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
God's Message Through A Homemade Sign

Saturday, September 6, 2008

And let the truth be told, all of us want to please ourselves or be pleased. Actually, God takes delight in the pleasure of His saints! The key is that God is the One who ordains the Way. He, who created man, knows what man is made of and what man requires for true pleasure. Evil wants to trick us into believing that pleasure will come through some man made way, material things, a person, power, position; essentially, through our own righteousness (aka, way of doing things) then we begin to focus on and pursue this.
In and of ourselves, we do not have the power to take ourselves away from evil or evil influences (naturally-in the world or spiritually-the devil and his cohorts). We need the power of God to deliver us from evil.!Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

I cannot believe that a month has gone by without a blog! Well, after the last blog, actually, at the time of the last blog, my family had to live out what I'd written about. That was, to be a godly example during times of illness. I learned that I had been walking around with pneumonia (I guess that is why it is called walking pneumonia-smile). One of my grand babies became very ill and a few other challenges with illness requiring us many interactions with doctors and other medical professionals.
I thank God for His grace that operated on our behalf and for those docs and other medical professionals that He used on our behalf! I believe that God received glory through our attitudes and behaviors (even when we had to apologize, repent and/or regroup) and the evil one's attempts to keep us from completing God's will were cancelled out.
Many folks were praying with and for us, and hopefully still are. "The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much!" Thanks so much to all of you who prayed for us!
My husband woke up my writing passion by assigning me the teaching/preaching responsibility this past Sunday. I taught/preached what the Lord was ministering to me. I'll only brief you.
If you'd like the notes from the message, please email me at and on the subject line put: Send Notes from 7/20/08.
Proverbs 3 chapters 5 and 6 are well known verses:
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (NKJV)
It can easily become like a cliche', something that we say without full revelation, understanding, or compassion. As we take the time to prayerfully meditate upon the words of this passage, revelation and understanding will come that will cause the passage to actually become a part of your everyday life.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Go through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people;
Build up,
Build up the highway!
Take out the stones,
Lift up the banner (or standard) for the peoples!
Isaiah 62:10
This is what He shared with me and for me to share with you. Especially, you who are leaders; those of you who have received a call from God to help others come into a walk with Him and/or to come to a closer more developed relationship with Him.
God wants the people to be able to fully and freely worship Him. It is up to those He called to minister to the people, to make the way for the people that they then can put their focus on Him. He wants the people to be led to Him, with no obstructions or distractions, with no heavy burdens or protocol that may detain them from giving Him the praise and adoration that they tend to give to ministers (human representatives) who only work for God.
The Lord is calling the people back to Himself!
I have sat on this Word, listening to hear more clearly, I have recently heard other representatives of God proclaim the same or very similar message. God is speaking more directly to those He called to minister to the people saying,
“You have the responsibility of helping My people see Me. You must show them My ways and the Way to Me. It is not about you or your ministry growth. It is about My people knowing Me and growing in My love! How will they know lest I send them a preacher? And if I send a preacher who will not lead them to Me, then what is the purpose of your call?
Is it not to sacrifice your very own life and lifestyle that others can know Me in truth? Is it not about you and your family living for Me as a witness for others to see Me? Is it not about My Word, My Son who died to set the captives free? And rose that they might live a free life in Me?
I will snatch all that you have gained and garnered if it keeps you from the purpose for which I have called you! You will never lack if you fulfill My will for your life/for why I called you! My will for you is not how much you can gain in worldly possessions or attention. My will is that you proclaim Me, not just by words, but with your life – how you live it, and that you bear Kingdom fruit!
Fruit that says that the captives have been set free. Fruit that causes outsiders to recognize their need for Me. Get out of the circuits and the cliques; stop using all the clichés; it is time for My people to take Me and My Word more seriously and to move into a new way of being! To repent, (turn from…) and learn of Me that they, too, will bear fruit that represents Me!” (5/14/08)
Lastly, another Word, also, He gave to me. Not just for me, but for you reading this, too:
Take heed to yourself
And to the doctrine.
Continue in them, for in so doing this,
you will save both yourself and those who hear you.”
I Timothy 4:6
Many are called, but few are chosen. Those called indicate that they are chosen by what they do with the call God has given them. Will you do what God says to you or will you get caught up in this temporary life letting it lead you? I am still in a listening mode but as I write, am in the doing mode. With fear and trembling, doing what He has told me to do; fulfilling this assignment and moving forward to grow in representing Him in exactly the ways that He intends.
Friday, May 2, 2008

If we do not research the sound bite, we will accept what was said as the end all commentary by that person. However, often when we do engage in further investigation of the sound bite, we learn that there was more to what the person said and that what they said did not come near to the understanding or surmise that we walked away with.
This happens, I find, with preaching the Gospel. Many of us church grown people hear and have heard statements about God, His Word or how we are supposed to be, for so long, that we accept them at face value. What I mean, is that we tend not to research what has been said or read. We develop our own conclusion about what was said or heard, which is often based upon someone else’s slant or our own life experiences and/or family and environmental background.
Many times these conclusions are false. Some walk away with thoughts about God and/or Christianity that are more negative than positive. But, dare not say this aloud to anyone else, especially a fellow Christian. What happens though is that our attitude, behavior and sometimes lifestyle show that we have a conflict with what and Who we say we believe.
You may still pray, continue as a churchgoer and doing the “Christian thing,” however carry with you bitterness and resentments toward God because you think that He has given you a hard Way to follow. Or, that what you have heard or read is just really so wrong of God that you are afraid to fully trust Him. Others walk away altogether, concluding that they will not serve a God who is so humanly negative.
This has happened with the following verse (sound bite) that we so often hear, but do we really understand?
One of the Ten Commandments:
(also found in Deut 5:1-22)
And God spoke all these words, saying:
"I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
out of the house of bondage.
"You shall have no other gods before Me.
Exodus 20: 1-3 NKJV
Exodus 20:5-6
…you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.
For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
but showing mercy to thousands,
to those who love Me and keep My commandments. NKJV
If we do not further investigate, we can leave these verses thinking that God has the human way of jealousy whose outcome is usually negative. The bigger problem that I see with the potential conclusions regarding these verses, is this:
If we do not see God as the One and Only God and
the CREATOR of everything or
if we do not believe that the Bible is True (a literal believing)
than we can only relate to God as being like a human being
and mainly because the unspiritual cannot understand spiritual matters (matters pertaining to the True and Living God). It is our belief (our heart of faith) in God that opens our eyes, hearts, minds, wills, and ears to greater understanding and revelation of God and His Word. We receive the power of the Holy Spirit that allows us to understand.
God being jealous is because He created us and everything else, so knows what is best for us and what will and will not work for us. What is good for us bringing us benefit and what is not good for us bringing destruction (our adversary’s goal is to kill, steal, and destroy, as many people as he can in order to keep them from serving Almighty God; and he will do so by using us against ourselves if he can).
God’s jealousy is actually another side of His awesome love for us.
God gives us every opportunity to know Him which we do not often realize. Knowing Him leads us to understanding His loving concern and care for us. People, and especially some of those who are supposed to represent our God (parents, preachers, teachers, etc.), or at least lead us to seeing Him in a good way, at times, act out the negative. These negative acting out incidences cause many of us to think that God is like that, too.
(And please, don’t misunderstand me, I don’t say this to demean anyone because we all have done negative things…sinned and fallen short. What I am referring to is a consistent lifestyle of negative, even though sometimes done in ignorance of what is God’s way of doing things.)
However, if you make a decision to further investigate God and His Word, with even an ounce of faith, He will reveal Himself to you allowing you to have a personal experience with Him. You will never walk away! And you will never again settle for a “sound bite!” You will develop a hunger and thirst for Him, for His way of doing things and a love for Him that motivates your life. You will also receive a new perspective, a good and positive one; a perspective that will fill you with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost! (Romans 14:17)
Sunday, April 13, 2008

And when I feel all hope is gone,
Friday, April 4, 2008

My heart, once again is being touched for the children. From age newborn to early 20’s are those of my concern. And my hope and prayer is that it is yours as well. As I listen to children and young people talking, especially those without a foundation in Christ, the reality of a very different mentality and mindset is evident.
Many of these children have very loose morals. They tend to value today and don’t recognize that their today’s make up their tomorrows. Many of them have been bruised and broken in their souls at very early ages. Some have had adult responsibility since kindergarten. Often the adults that they live with or live around seem not to understand the precious life, initial innocence, vulnerability and gullibility of children. So, are exposing them to things and experiences that they are not emotionally or mentally equipped to process in a logical, healthy manner.
So many parents have unresolved hurts and pains from their past, then pass their misperceptions and distorted reality to their children. These destructive thoughts, attitudes and behaviors become what their children believe to be the norm. Unfortunately, this includes many churchgoing Christians. Children are seeing and experiencing things in their own homes that are infecting and influencing them toward ungodly living to a detrimental degree.
Like the increase of STDs amongst teenagers. And sexual involvement at very early ages because that’s what everyone does. Teenage pregnancy amongst minorities and/or the low income is continuing to be the norm, and an acceptable norm to have a “baby daddy” to be like some of their peers. Drug use is a recreational sport for many, firstly marijuana, being smoked in some cases between parents and their kids as an okay thing to do, with the ungodly belief that “it won’t hurt you.” It doesn’t matter that it is illegal.
In some cases, teachers are not always the best example either, as we have seen many news reports of teachers engaging in sex or drugs with students or sharing with them their ungodly mentality of life and living (and I choose to believe that the percentage of teachers like this is low; my sister and some dear friends are public school teachers who are are very godly and passionate). Those teachers whose passion is for students to learn, be healthy and become a success are not always able to teach and connect with the children as they once did, in this way serving as godly role models, because public education is often focused on a single test or so much paperwork that the teachers ability to fulfill their very passion is curtailed.
What saddens my heart is when you attempt to share the reality (statistical and otherwise) and the Truth with many of the children, because they have been so inundated with the lie, with ungodly attitudes, behaviors, and mentality’s of some of the adults around them, media or peers, many of them refuse to consider that there is another way that is good for them. Bad is good and good is corny, old, out of touch, or antiquated.
Reading Lamentations Chapter 2, verses 18-21, my soul began to weep:
"Their heart cried out to the Lord, "O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night; give yourself no relief; give your eyes no rest.
"Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches; pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street." (NKJ)
Though in many ways we (adults) have done wrong, God's grace and mercy are still waxing strong.
We must repent and cry out to the Lord for the protection and "Life" of our vulnerable children.
To save their lives from destruction and woe. That they may have the opportunity to also know the Lord and walk in His ways, that their hearts may be touched by God’s love leading them to repent, too. We all must be willing to repent of our sins and wrong ways, and be willing to let go of the wrong ways and sins of our parents, family members and ancestors and turn to the Lord for guidance and strength! That the Lord who is God would be glorified! (Repent means “to turn from” and includes soul remorse that leads to humility).
The children are hungry! In every city, in every state, throughout this nation, and the world. Our children are hungry! Looking for food to feed their souls. Looking for the person, for the plan, for the way that will bring them peace of mind and make them whole. They are hungering for Jesus, the Word that will give them the "Life" that their inner self knows is out there, somewhere, to be had.
They are seeking, they are searching, they are experimenting, and they are yielding, in their innocence, to the counterfeit, to the false, to the unreal. They are sad. They are given over to zeal without knowledge and zeal without true power because they have been obstructed from The Holy One. The One who knows them and will meet their need. And that only if we and they heed.
Woe, to him who would cause the children to stumble! Woe, to him who leads them astray! Woe to him who destroys their innocence and leads them along a wicked way! Is it not enough that you are destroyed that you have allowed your life to be consumed by ungodliness, drama and destruction? Are you so darkened that you can no longer hear? Are you so blinded that you no longer fear?
Have you lost the fear of the Lord?
Do you no longer tremble at His words? You men, you fathers, you brothers, you sons, do you not understand that the victory has been won? You women, you mothers, you sisters, you daughters, do you not know that God sent His Son?
Wake up, oh, people, you adults who can think and see what is happening to our children and youth! Awake from your sleep!
God the Father wants you to weep! To cry aloud to Him. To repent of your sins. To turn to Him in earnest, to make amends!
The children are waiting for you to arise. The children are waiting that they no longer die!
The time is at hand. Get into God's plan. We must save the children from the destruction of this land! Give up your lies, your comforts, your ties! Turn to the Lord! For through the children He will give you much more! Your life and theirs and that in abundance, too. He is standing. He is waiting for you to do what you must do! (see Ephesians 3:20)
©2005 Rosalind M. Stanley
©2008 Revised
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Christians Especially: What Has Happened to “For Better or For Worst, til Death do Us Part?” (Part 1)
Seasons meaning that there are times when married life is like fall, winter, spring, and summer. Depending on what you are accustomed to, one or two of those seasons are not fun to you and you cannot wait until they pass. The fact of the matter is that the season does pass. The older you get, the better you become at handling the season you don’t like that much.
My friend and I talked about how important it is for couples to learn how to walk through the rough seasons of marriage (which are usually growth opportunities). We both exclai

My friend, Joyce Linyear, has been the only wife to her husband Dwight, for over 30 years! These are two faithful people. Their commitment to God and His way of living and being and doing, to the ministry, to their marriage, and their love for each other and family and friends, is a model for many!
My spiritual dad, Dr. Zin White, and his wife, Irma, have been married almost 50 years! To this day, they are partners in business and in ministry and companions who continue to learn a little more about one another as each year passes. They have a testimo

These couples have deep and continually growing relationships with Almighty God that directs the course of their marriages including their love life with each other.
Faith in God, the love of God, and being led by the Holy Spirit are the main spiritual ingredients in a Christian marriage. Love for each other, of course, is absolutely essential.
It is very important to show affection to one another, with kindness, no matter what. And at all costs, avoid the tricks of the enemy set up to get you to turn your affections toward someone else! His aim is to divide and conquer… to kill, steal and destroy!
©2008 Rosalind Stanley
Consulting & Training Services
Christians Especially: What Has Happened to “For Better or For Worst, til Death do Us Part?” (Part 2)

For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal,
despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather
than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power...”
2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NKJV)
Unfortunately, there are those Christians who are unwilling to yield to God concerning their marriages so are falling prey to the spirit of the time that we are in. A number of married individuals are more in love with themselves than with God or their spouses. Some are far from being loving or holy in their attitudes and their way of life. And, unforgiveness, this is probably a key reason for the almost 50% of divorces experienced by Christians. (Forgiveness & repentance are not options of the Christian faith, these are commands of Jesus, our Lord and Savior!)
Self control is the area where many marriages fail, due to one or both engaging in adultery, i.e., cheating on their spouses. Adultery is having an emotional, romantic, or sexual relationship with another person who is not your spouse. Ususally, the relationship is carried on without the spouses knowledge (or a deception of the true relationship is known by the spouse). Adultery begins in the mind. It interrupts the sincerity and fullness of the marriage.
Eventually, the adulterer has a yoke that almost renders them helpless (no self control). As my mother says…”but God!” But God can intervene and even turn this around. If the couple decide to maintain the marriage, the adulterer has to be willing to completely sever all forms of contact and communication with the other person. Honesty, accountability, humility, a decision to turn toward your spouse, a willingness to work on building trust and waiting for the offended spouse to trust again, is the cost and the process.
With that said, I still have high hopes for marriages, especially Christians, because Christ is in you, the Hope of Glory! The key is to remember:
But, it is up to you to:
1) Call upon God (as MC Hammer says, “you’ve got to pray just to make it today!":)
2) Be willing to patiently wait for the turn around,
3) Walk by faith and not by sight (continuing to show love & respect for your spouse when the feelings are not as great as you’d like them to be), and
4) Study the Bible to understand and apply it; be doers of the Word, not just hearers only.
Marriage is a test of faith in God, self and our spouse. The rewards, however, are greater love, joy and peace, and a lasting lover and friendship, when you choose to answer every questioning moment or season with faith in God following His every word!
Consulting & Training Services
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Initially, we look to have our parent’s approval. We want to know that we are accepted by them and acceptable to them. We want to have the sense of belonging. As we get older and begin to interact with siblings, then extended family, neighbors, friends, then boyfriends/girlfriends, co-workers, etc., we tend to look to them for our sense of okay-ness. We sometimes act in ways that we’ve learned will please them or that we think will please them.
Friday, March 7, 2008

God wants us to know Him, not just about Him, and know that He is real. He wants us to receive His promises and wants us to be healed. Sometimes life challenges us and hurts us in ways that cause us to wonder if God is really real. Is He here for me? Will He help me or am I in this by myself? The truth is that God is always with us. He is always with you! He said that He will never leave you and will not forsake you. And, that He will never leave you helpless. Regardless as to how things look or how you feel, God is real!
Wherever you may find yourself, recognize that you are not alone. You may be depressed and sad. You may be distraught over a recent loss or betrayal. The hurt you feel is so painful that you don’t know what to do. Constant thoughts of the problem you are experiencing or the situation that occurred has consumed you. You may be in a transition, in that uncomfortable place of uncertainty. Or you may think that life is just not on your side.
God is real and He is there for you!
He loves you and desires the best for you. This walk through life on earth is indeed that, a walk. We walk from one challenge to another or from one pleasantry to another. Sometimes we live right in the middle of life’s challenges and pleasantries. Often, we really believe that we are to tell God what to do and He is supposed to do it, rather than the other way around. So end up being disappointed when what we want or hoped for is not found.
What is important for you to do is make a choice to choose God even though you can’t naturally see Him and in those times that you cannot feel Him. Recognize that God’s Word is true and that when you can’t feel Him His Word can bring you through.
As you read it day by day, God will surely make a way. He will reveal Himself and heal you, too. Only a few things that you must do: Read the Word, trust and do what it says, pray to God everyday. Stay far from negativity, whether it be people, thoughts, behaviors or places.
The biggest thing that will get you through is to have faith in God; trust Him to do what He said He’ll do.
He’ll order your steps and direct your path. He’ll bid His angels to watch over you. He’ll intervene in ways we can’t beforehand conceive. What the devil intended for evil, He will work for your good. His Holy Spirit will guide and teach you, showing you the way to go. He will warn and alert you to keep you from harm. While in your weakness, in Him, you’ll be strong.
This may not happen overnight, but little by little things will be right.
Most of what will happen for you is deep in the inside, His peace and joy will come to you. Trust in God, He’ll see you through. Plant this Truth in your heart and mind, God is real and He is real for you!
© 2008 Rosalind M. Stanley
BECAUSE OF GRACE Consulting & Training Services
Monday, February 25, 2008

Craving things that are way beyond their ability to reach, yet receiving the lie that says, “what I want, I should have.” Or thinking that the way we think our life should be, is exactly how is should be. Often, not realizing that we tend to have an upside down mindset. That we are in a world that cannot provide the peace and contentment promised or expected from things it proclaims are necessary in order to have it, i.e., to be satisfied or to have success.
So how do we find inner peace and contentment? How do we actually “get the release”? It is a matter of Romans 12: 2, the Bible verse that talks about renewing the mind. We have to be willing to take an honest look at what we think and believe to see if it lines up with what is true, The Truth. The Truth comes from The Word of God (Jesus Christ, is The Truth).
Often, we have accepted lies that seem to make sense, so we give them the place of truth. Like the way a certain sex treated you proves that they are dogs or are gold diggers, so you believe that to be a truth. However, if you investigate, you’ll learn that every member of that sex does not behave that way. What you have received is a lie because of an experience that you have had.
Or perhaps, a thought that all the people of a certain nationality or ethnicity are a certain way. You hold on to this perspective when engaging with them often getting the same result. However, once developing a decent relationship with a person from that nationality or ethnicity, you understand that your truth was actually a lie.
The Truth exposes the lie for what it really is. Once exposed, it is up to the individual to choose the truth or keep the lie.
To choose the Truth requires that one let go of the lie.
We are in bondage, that is, oppressed by the lies we hold on to. Often, unknowingly. The fear of not having what we have had or believing what we have believed to be true can cause one to choose to go into a state of denial (deceiving oneself) in order to maintain it. Therefore, not letting go.
Get the release by letting go of the lie!
Be brutally honest with yourself and face the truth about your situation, relationship, beliefs, or your expectations of yourself and others. Think it through. Take some time to meditate on the Truth. Be willing to let go of the lie (s). Acknowledge it, forgive…repent, let it go! Take hold of the Truth. Get godly counsel if you need to.
Do what you need to do so you can have God’s peace. Peace and contentment come when we accept the truth about our lives and believe that God does work things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Purpose to love God and to live according to His plans. Take courage in the Lord, who is your Advocate and Comforter, and let go of the lies! This brings inner peace and contentment because in so doing, you have allowed The Truth to become a part of you… the Truth you know does set you free!
© 2008 Rosalind M. Stanley