My heart, once again is being touched for the children. From age newborn to early 20’s are those of my concern. And my hope and prayer is that it is yours as well. As I listen to children and young people talking, especially those without a foundation in Christ, the reality of a very different mentality and mindset is evident.
Many of these children have very loose morals. They tend to value today and don’t recognize that their today’s make up their tomorrows. Many of them have been bruised and broken in their souls at very early ages. Some have had adult responsibility since kindergarten. Often the adults that they live with or live around seem not to understand the precious life, initial innocence, vulnerability and gullibility of children. So, are exposing them to things and experiences that they are not emotionally or mentally equipped to process in a logical, healthy manner.
So many parents have unresolved hurts and pains from their past, then pass their misperceptions and distorted reality to their children. These destructive thoughts, attitudes and behaviors become what their children believe to be the norm. Unfortunately, this includes many churchgoing Christians. Children are seeing and experiencing things in their own homes that are infecting and influencing them toward ungodly living to a detrimental degree.
Like the increase of STDs amongst teenagers. And sexual involvement at very early ages because that’s what everyone does. Teenage pregnancy amongst minorities and/or the low income is continuing to be the norm, and an acceptable norm to have a “baby daddy” to be like some of their peers. Drug use is a recreational sport for many, firstly marijuana, being smoked in some cases between parents and their kids as an okay thing to do, with the ungodly belief that “it won’t hurt you.” It doesn’t matter that it is illegal.
In some cases, teachers are not always the best example either, as we have seen many news reports of teachers engaging in sex or drugs with students or sharing with them their ungodly mentality of life and living (and I choose to believe that the percentage of teachers like this is low; my sister and some dear friends are public school teachers who are are very godly and passionate). Those teachers whose passion is for students to learn, be healthy and become a success are not always able to teach and connect with the children as they once did, in this way serving as godly role models, because public education is often focused on a single test or so much paperwork that the teachers ability to fulfill their very passion is curtailed.
What saddens my heart is when you attempt to share the reality (statistical and otherwise) and the Truth with many of the children, because they have been so inundated with the lie, with ungodly attitudes, behaviors, and mentality’s of some of the adults around them, media or peers, many of them refuse to consider that there is another way that is good for them. Bad is good and good is corny, old, out of touch, or antiquated.
Reading Lamentations Chapter 2, verses 18-21, my soul began to weep:
"Their heart cried out to the Lord, "O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night; give yourself no relief; give your eyes no rest.
"Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches; pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street." (NKJ)
Though in many ways we (adults) have done wrong, God's grace and mercy are still waxing strong.
We must repent and cry out to the Lord for the protection and "Life" of our vulnerable children.
To save their lives from destruction and woe. That they may have the opportunity to also know the Lord and walk in His ways, that their hearts may be touched by God’s love leading them to repent, too. We all must be willing to repent of our sins and wrong ways, and be willing to let go of the wrong ways and sins of our parents, family members and ancestors and turn to the Lord for guidance and strength! That the Lord who is God would be glorified! (Repent means “to turn from” and includes soul remorse that leads to humility).
The children are hungry! In every city, in every state, throughout this nation, and the world. Our children are hungry! Looking for food to feed their souls. Looking for the person, for the plan, for the way that will bring them peace of mind and make them whole. They are hungering for Jesus, the Word that will give them the "Life" that their inner self knows is out there, somewhere, to be had.
They are seeking, they are searching, they are experimenting, and they are yielding, in their innocence, to the counterfeit, to the false, to the unreal. They are sad. They are given over to zeal without knowledge and zeal without true power because they have been obstructed from The Holy One. The One who knows them and will meet their need. And that only if we and they heed.
Woe, to him who would cause the children to stumble! Woe, to him who leads them astray! Woe to him who destroys their innocence and leads them along a wicked way! Is it not enough that you are destroyed that you have allowed your life to be consumed by ungodliness, drama and destruction? Are you so darkened that you can no longer hear? Are you so blinded that you no longer fear?
Have you lost the fear of the Lord?
Do you no longer tremble at His words? You men, you fathers, you brothers, you sons, do you not understand that the victory has been won? You women, you mothers, you sisters, you daughters, do you not know that God sent His Son?
Wake up, oh, people, you adults who can think and see what is happening to our children and youth! Awake from your sleep!
God the Father wants you to weep! To cry aloud to Him. To repent of your sins. To turn to Him in earnest, to make amends!
The children are waiting for you to arise. The children are waiting that they no longer die!
The time is at hand. Get into God's plan. We must save the children from the destruction of this land! Give up your lies, your comforts, your ties! Turn to the Lord! For through the children He will give you much more! Your life and theirs and that in abundance, too. He is standing. He is waiting for you to do what you must do! (see Ephesians 3:20)
©2005 Rosalind M. Stanley
©2008 Revised
1 comment:
I'm sure you know how very proud I am of you. As you continue to seek the Lord, He will continue to shower you with Wisdom from on High. Wisdom so desperately needed in this day and time. Wisdom needed by a desperate people in a desperate nation. A nation moving more and more away from the Truth like at no other time in history. Teach under His power and live by His Word.
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