Monday, March 23, 2009

“Got Fruit?”

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV)
Spring break. Arthur, My husband, had promised our youngest son (Nathan) to a fishing trip, so we all set out for East Texas, Lake O’ The Pines, an area that Arthur had to see. Once in East Texas, we stopped at the last Walmart on the road to pick up a fishing license and miscellaneous items. I and our older son (Jason) went in one direction, while Art and Nathan went in another, agreeing to meet at the cash register.
Jason and I were done first, so we paid for our items and sat on a bench. A couple with a baby walked by (I’d recognized seeing them in passing while shopping). I overheard the husband say, “I’m not doing that!” I sensed that the wife had instructed him to give something to us. When they walked out of the store, I chalked it up as a mis-sense. However, within moments the young man with his baby came back in and walked by us again. My eyes followed him as he walked. He walked a short distance pass us, then turned back toward us.
As he walked by, he handed me a tract (see link noted below) that said, “Got Fruit,” with a God bless you and was gone faster than his arrival. I responded with a smile, “God Bless you, too.” I skimmed the tract, reminding myself to fully read it during our time at the lake. But, then came the questions: “Why did his wife think that I needed a tract?” (I was offended) They’d be surprised to know that I am a minister of the Gospel (I was in pride) Was it because I looked ragged? (I had no makeup on, and was dressed in my most raggedy/comfortable kind of clothing). “Or, was it because I’m black and they have a prejudice or racist view of blacks?” (This was an obviously predominantly white area) “Did I say something foul while shopping? (I was sure that I had not) “Or, did my countenance look mean, sad, or un-Christian like? (whatever that means- but countenance could be an issue)
Once getting in the car, I relayed the incident to Arthur and began to ask those questions of him and the boys. “Why do you think they thought I needed a tract?” They attempted to console me letting me know that they thought that I was a “good person” with Arthur saying that maybe the Holy Spirit just wanted them to give it to me perhaps to meditate on one of the Scriptures and not to think anything more of it or anything negative about it. After our short fishing trip and once home, I asked my daughter (Vickie) the same question. She responded by saying that it is probably just a confirmation to me about the fruit of the Spirit since it is something I emphasize (I gave detailed information about the fruit in my book-African American Family Life, It’s Time To Get It Back).
I am sure by now, you are probably saying to yourself something like, “Why so sensitive-do you have a fruit problem?” Or, why didn’t you just pray and ask God if there was something to it?” Or, forget about it, the young couple were just evangelizing! I did finally let it go, but to the Lord, asking Him about it. Did God answer? Not directly. But for the next few days the Holy Spirit made me more sensitive to when I was not walking in the fruit in my interactions with others or in my thought life. I found myself repenting for attitudes, behaviors, words or thoughts that do not reflect God’s Spirit. Because God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, is holy. And, His Spirit lives in me to help me (and us who believe and have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior) to be holy. That is, to walk out the fruit of His Spirit on a daily basis.
So, for whatever reason the couple chose to give me the tract, God used it for my good! Complacency comes to all of us, especially when you are one walking with the Lord for a number of years and used of the Lord over a period of time. Though I spend my time counseling others by the Word and praying them through their issues, I am reminded by this incident that I have to, on a throughout the day basis, allow the Holy Spirit to flow in and through me, because I can, like many of you, just know what to do and how to do it. Or, can allow the Holy Spirit to flow on the behalf of others (for ministry purposes) but not allow the work of the Spirit to get to my own issues or life challenges therefore cutting off the fruit and the flow of the Spirit in my own life.
So, “Got Fruit?” I will be more sensitive to the Spirit as I live out my days because it is the fruit of the Spirit of God empowered by the Holy Spirit that is Jesus in earthen vessels doing the “greater works” that Jesus said we would do. (John 14:12) I hope that my experience will help you to be more willing to accept correction from the Holy Spirit and make needed changes so we all can live and walk as lifestyle evangelists that cause others to want to know “the hope that is within us”(I Peter 3:15) and bring much glory to God!
See the tract at:

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I’ve been thinking for a few months now about unity and its impact on our lives and relationships. The thought was stimulated by a few scenarios. Firstly, the continuing debate between the Republicans and Democrats, whom are both Americans (from the United States of America). Then, family members who treat one another as each others enemy; family in many cases are the ones there for you almost no matter what, when others give up on you, let you down, put you down, etc. Lastly, people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, yet being divided, is the most amazing to me of all. Christians who hold offense against their brother or sister in Christ or disassociate with another or other Christians for an array of reasons that when it boils down to it are man made or self focused reasons and not pleasing to God.
I have had occasion not to click so well with another Christian brother or sister. However, a part of my maturity in Christ (and I didn’t say perfectly mature, but pressing on toward the mark)has been learning to obey the Word of God regardless of my feelings or human nature (human nature is bent toward sin). That is to honor God and to please Him rather than give any glory to Satan, the devil and enemy of God. I realized years ago that either I am aligning myself with God or with Satan in the way that I live and behave toward others. One Scripture says “Give no place to the devil.” Another says, “Whatever you do, do it to please God and not men, because it is the Lord God who you serve…and Him who will give you your reward.” Actually, Jesus was the one who said “united you stand, but divided you fall.” So, unity is of utmost importance.
Unity is what allows purpose to be fulfilled (it takes more than you to accomplish your purpose for existence). Whether we are talking about the United States of America, family members, or believers in Jesus Christ, the key to our destruction is to allow disunity to operate within us; being divided. This is a great opportunity for “the enemy” to slip in on us and begin the process of kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10).
If we do not see and understand this and understand that unity requires that we step out of selfishness and self-focused opinions or decision making, we are bound to experience destruction taking place in our lives and relationships. Allowing pride, anger, offense or other negative emotions to dictate what we will or will not do makes us unbelievers in the power of God or in what Jesus Christ accomplished for us on the Cross. This is why it is so important for us to “pick up our cross and die daily.” This means that daily, we must choose to bear the difficulties that have come our way giving them over to the Lord to give us what we need so we can handle them in a godly (Christ-like) manner.
We must be willing to forgive and release people who have hurt us (intentionally or unintentionally), or those who we disagree with on some point or who disagree with us, choosing to go beyond ourselves, loving them with the love of the Lord while praying for God’s divine intervention in the situation and/or in our hearts. God is on the throne and is always watching us, longing to pour more of Himself into us (which is the character, behavior, or attitude we need at the moment). Unity versus disunity will not only affect us externally in our relationships, but also internally, in our souls (mind/thoughts/intellect, will/choices, and feelings/emotions).
Anyway of ours that is not God’s way will not be for our good. As we choose God’s way of doing things and relating to others, we will experience good and see the positive taking place in our lives and relationships.
To end this thought, I plead with you to ask the Lord to show you if you have a wrong relationship (or wrong attitude toward another or others) in operation. As He shows you, repent, forgive, release them and ask for His healing if necessary. If it is possible, go to the person and make amends (you be the better person and be ye reconciled!!). This doesn’t mean that they are right and you are wrong. Nor does it mean that ungodly behavior is being condoned. It means that you are obeying God/following Jesus, not giving place to Satan and God will work it out for good! If it is not possible to go to the person (they may be dead or too mean to approach), know that God hears you and you are okay with Him.
“Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3:12-14 Holy Bible, New Living Translation ®, copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.