Monday, February 25, 2008


So many people today cannot seem to find inner peace or contentment. Many are caught in the trap of unfulfilled or unrealistic desires. Not always realizing that the desires are unrealistic, however, definitely recognizing that they are unfulfilled. Often, becoming sad and depressed or distressed and despairing thinking that something is wrong…either with themselves or some other whom they are looking to for fulfillment.

Craving things that are way beyond their ability to reach, yet receiving the lie that says, “what I want, I should have.” Or thinking that the way we think our life should be, is exactly how is should be. Often, not realizing that we tend to have an upside down mindset. That we are in a world that cannot provide the peace and contentment promised or expected from things it proclaims are necessary in order to have it, i.e., to be satisfied or to have success.

So how do we find inner peace and contentment? How do we actually “get the release”? It is a matter of Romans 12: 2, the Bible verse that talks about renewing the mind. We have to be willing to take an honest look at what we think and believe to see if it lines up with what is true, The Truth. The Truth comes from The Word of God (Jesus Christ, is The Truth).

Often, we have accepted lies that seem to make sense, so we give them the place of truth. Like the way a certain sex treated you proves that they are dogs or are gold diggers, so you believe that to be a truth. However, if you investigate, you’ll learn that every member of that sex does not behave that way. What you have received is a lie because of an experience that you have had.

Or perhaps, a thought that all the people of a certain nationality or ethnicity are a certain way. You hold on to this perspective when engaging with them often getting the same result. However, once developing a decent relationship with a person from that nationality or ethnicity, you understand that your truth was actually a lie.

The Truth exposes the lie for what it really is. Once exposed, it is up to the individual to choose the truth or keep the lie.

To choose the Truth requires that one let go of the lie.

Letting go can be painful. To actually accept that something that you have believed or held on to is actually a lie can produce remorse. However, letting it go will eventually produce a peace and contentment that you are unable to experience until you choose to let it go.

The lies that we hold on to, actually keep us in bondage!

We are in bondage, that is, oppressed by the lies we hold on to. Often, unknowingly. The fear of not having what we have had or believing what we have believed to be true can cause one to choose to go into a state of denial (deceiving oneself) in order to maintain it. Therefore, not letting go.

Get the release by letting go of the lie!

Be brutally honest with yourself and face the truth about your situation, relationship, beliefs, or your expectations of yourself and others. Think it through. Take some time to meditate on the Truth. Be willing to let go of the lie (s). Acknowledge it, forgive…repent, let it go! Take hold of the Truth. Get godly counsel if you need to.

Do what you need to do so you can have God’s peace. Peace and contentment come when we accept the truth about our lives and believe that God does work things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Purpose to love God and to live according to His plans. Take courage in the Lord, who is your Advocate and Comforter, and let go of the lies! This brings inner peace and contentment because in so doing, you have allowed The Truth to become a part of you… the Truth you know does set you free!

© 2008 Rosalind M. Stanley

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