Sunday, October 18, 2009

STRESS INDICATION TEST: An Informal Tool to Help Christians to Reduce Stress

I have a new publication, STRESS INDICATION TEST: An Informal Tool to Help Christians Reduce Stress. The Lord gave it to me a few years ago and I recently revised it. Included is an informal test that indicates your level of stress and recommendations to help you to get rid of stress. Stress Reduction techniques and activities and other helpful information are also included. For more information or to purchase, please feel free to contact me at

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Have you ever taken a look at yourself and realized that you are different? That something has changed in your life? It could be positive or negative. When you recognize it, usually you want to do something to get better if its negative or you may stand in awe of God, if it is positive, because you realize that you, in and of yourself, could not have made such a wonderful change. This song written by Don Moen, Lord, I Offer My life To You was and is a song that has ministered in my life over and over again. The more that I let go of my life and offer it to the Lord, the more peace I gain and the more He uses me for His glory. The reality is that no matter how much better our lives get, our relationship with the Lord is always progressing, growing and deepening, otherwise it becomes stagnant with the potential of it moving to the negative (Christians term it backslidding). If perhaps, you do not have a relationship with God, asking Him to come into your heart is one of the easiest prayers to pray if you mean it with your heart. He, then, lovingly comes in to give you the ability to choose to make the changes that will allow you to fully experience the Life that He paid for through the work of Christ on the Cross; and He did it for you (Romans 5:8 )!
Recently, the Lord directed me to share a seminar that He gave me some years ago. As He gave me the words and ideas, I wrote it, then left it in the book. While at my church's Women's Encounter, the Holy Spirit asked me why I hadn't shared it, confirming for me that I must at this time in my life and ministry. So, I took the step and offered it. God is steadily opening doors in different cities, even in the Dominican Republic where my children are serving as missionaries. He is serious about people understanding who He is and being willing to trust Him, choosing to offer their lives to Him. As I walk by faith, I "go" in His strength and for His purpose with His leading and guidance.
Are you at the place where you truly, honestly, and sincerely want to offer your life to Him?
Even though you may be apprehensive because you are not certain what that may mean for you, the willingness to trust the Lord, which is faith, pleases Him (Hebrews 11:6). Just remember that God is always with you and will never leave or forsake you. He is a good God and loves you. Even though we may not understand some circumstances or situations in ours or others lives, does not discount the goodness of God and the fact that He has our best interest at heart. Continued faith in Him will keep us on the right track and lead us to His peace and joy over and over again. So, join me as I again offer the stuff of my life to Him knowing, by faith, that "He who calls you/me is faithful and He will do it" (2009 motto for Trinity Church of Cedar Hill, Texas as taken from First Thessalonnians 5:24 )