Thursday, December 31, 2009


The beauty of the end of a thing is that it leads you directly to the beginning of something else; something new or different. The old goes into a file so that the new and different can begin. A problem comes about when we continue to go to the "old file" instead of focusing on building the new and different file. Now, the old file does have some worth. If we never had the old, building the new and different would be a more difficult task because the truth is, we are unable to build the new without having had our "old" experiences. They help us in our decision making, that is, if we learn from them. Otherwise, the end only continues into more new of the same old stuff. Maybe different people or places but similar situations. As we move from 2009 into 2010, let's take a moment to reflect on the "old." Look at how the Lord God Almighty brought you through; for some, carried you through; and for others, pulled you through. What are some things, people perhaps, or places that you must let go of or say goodbye to? Not because they are necessarily wrong or bad in and of themselves (though they may be, so be willing to admit it if they are), just that they may not be a part of God's 2010 plan for you, for where He is bringing you or for what He wants to do in your life. Look at the old for just enough time to get out of it the lesson that God wants you to learn from it. Then, give it over to Him. Cry if you must, forgive, ask for forgiveness, make a decision not to turn back, then turn your face to the new and different. Recommit your heart and life to the Lord; to follow hard after Him. To allow Him to lead and guide you. Ask Him to order your steps. Decide to get on His agenda, accepting that without Him you can do nothing. But with Him, all things are possible. The end has come, but so, too has the new. Trust the Lord to be there for you and with you just as He has promised to. Regardless as to the challenges that 2010 may or may not bring, remember our Heavenly Father's promise, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." And He will continue to bring you through!
2010...don't do it again... take on the new & the different
walking by faith in God (not in yourself or someone else) and not by sight (what your circumstance says)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

STRESS INDICATION TEST: An Informal Tool to Help Christians to Reduce Stress

I have a new publication, STRESS INDICATION TEST: An Informal Tool to Help Christians Reduce Stress. The Lord gave it to me a few years ago and I recently revised it. Included is an informal test that indicates your level of stress and recommendations to help you to get rid of stress. Stress Reduction techniques and activities and other helpful information are also included. For more information or to purchase, please feel free to contact me at

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Have you ever taken a look at yourself and realized that you are different? That something has changed in your life? It could be positive or negative. When you recognize it, usually you want to do something to get better if its negative or you may stand in awe of God, if it is positive, because you realize that you, in and of yourself, could not have made such a wonderful change. This song written by Don Moen, Lord, I Offer My life To You was and is a song that has ministered in my life over and over again. The more that I let go of my life and offer it to the Lord, the more peace I gain and the more He uses me for His glory. The reality is that no matter how much better our lives get, our relationship with the Lord is always progressing, growing and deepening, otherwise it becomes stagnant with the potential of it moving to the negative (Christians term it backslidding). If perhaps, you do not have a relationship with God, asking Him to come into your heart is one of the easiest prayers to pray if you mean it with your heart. He, then, lovingly comes in to give you the ability to choose to make the changes that will allow you to fully experience the Life that He paid for through the work of Christ on the Cross; and He did it for you (Romans 5:8 )!
Recently, the Lord directed me to share a seminar that He gave me some years ago. As He gave me the words and ideas, I wrote it, then left it in the book. While at my church's Women's Encounter, the Holy Spirit asked me why I hadn't shared it, confirming for me that I must at this time in my life and ministry. So, I took the step and offered it. God is steadily opening doors in different cities, even in the Dominican Republic where my children are serving as missionaries. He is serious about people understanding who He is and being willing to trust Him, choosing to offer their lives to Him. As I walk by faith, I "go" in His strength and for His purpose with His leading and guidance.
Are you at the place where you truly, honestly, and sincerely want to offer your life to Him?
Even though you may be apprehensive because you are not certain what that may mean for you, the willingness to trust the Lord, which is faith, pleases Him (Hebrews 11:6). Just remember that God is always with you and will never leave or forsake you. He is a good God and loves you. Even though we may not understand some circumstances or situations in ours or others lives, does not discount the goodness of God and the fact that He has our best interest at heart. Continued faith in Him will keep us on the right track and lead us to His peace and joy over and over again. So, join me as I again offer the stuff of my life to Him knowing, by faith, that "He who calls you/me is faithful and He will do it" (2009 motto for Trinity Church of Cedar Hill, Texas as taken from First Thessalonnians 5:24 )

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


“But when our time was up, we left and continued on our way…”
Acts 21:5a
It is important to be sensitive to the Spirit of God so to know when “our time is up” in a place, situation, relationship or assignment. Regardless as to how we feel about it, good or bad, agree or disagree, what those around us may say about it-positive or negative, ultimately, we must know for ourselves.
And when we know, we must take the courage to “let go” and to literally “go” away from it. According to the above noted verse, they “left and continued on their way.” They started out with an intended destination. As they traveled, they encountered some disciples; believers in Christ Jesus. They took time to fellowship with them. Just as at their last stop, they enjoyed the sharing and receiving. They strengthened the believers, and in turn, were strengthened. It felt good and relaxing. It was a comfortable atmosphere and certainly a place where Paul was needed and could find reason to make his permanent ministry.
However, evn though knowing in advance (because the Spirit had spoken to him through a prophet) that trouble awaited him at his intended destination-Jerusalem, he remained focused and on task. He did not allow fear or concern about what was ahead, to get next to him. His only goal was to please the God whom he served and to finish his assignment, whatever the cost.
At times, God is leading us to make a change in our lives. Maybe it is to let go of a ministry position that you’ve held for awhile. Perhaps, He has someone else prepared and ready to move into that position and has something else for you. It could be that you are lounging at a particular place, but it is time to goyour time is up.
Or, perhaps, you have lost sight of your destination because you have become settled, comfortable, or complacent where you are. You have decided that where you are is your final destination (whether it is a position, place, an assignment or possession), so you have closed out your ability to hear what the Spirit of God may be saying to you.
Paul kept his destination in full view even as he stopped to accomplish a ministry assignment on the road to his destination. He did not stay there. When it was time to go, he left! He did not allow his feelings, his personal agenda, his level of comfort, the relationships he developed or the fear/concern about what awaited him, to keep him from his God ordained destination. His goal was to fulfill the Master’s plan, no matter what. (vs. 13)
How about you? Take some time to contemplate about your place in life. Are you on task? Or have you allowed current circumstances, good or bad, cloud your focus? Have you, perhaps, allowed fear or concern about the destined place, stop you in your tracks? The Bible records these words, it is said, 365 times: “do not fear.” God is with you wherever you go. Stop, ask Him to clear your focus. If you recognize that your time is up in some area of your life, follow Paul as he followed Christ Jesus. Leave that thing, person, place, assignment, and continue on your way. Do it for the glory of God, not considering your own glory. But, remembering that God knows everything about you, His plans for you, and the way He has made for your life. Trust Him and go on your way. He’ll carry you through and to the destiny He has prepared for you!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I’ve noticed that there are seasons when death and dying seem to have center stage. During such times, they demand our attention leading some of us to meditation and careful reevaluation of our times and activities on earth. Questions begin to flood our thoughts:
Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing? How much time do I have left? Is my perspective on this side of life, correct? Do I have my priorities in order? What can I do to better my relationships?
The problem is that for some, the questions come and go quickly without much thought. For others, they become defining moments bringing about new or renewed commitments, diligence in living, and/or letting go of vanities and insignificant activities. As I give thought to death and dying once again, my goal is to live with determination being more sensitive to the Lord, freer in my soul and spirit to be led by His daily will, choosing His way each day.
As I think about those who have passed on, from many years ago to the most recent, relatives, friends, my friends loved ones, and celebs, I want to give honor to their lives as I can almost see them as they made their departure. Looking behind recognizing the vast difference between here and there and the difference in what is priority and the difference in perspective that awaited their steps as some approached The Pleasant Peaceful Pure Place of Presence with our Lord.
Many of you can relate as you have watched loved ones walk away in readiness to “The Place” we all aspire-even the wicked. Some others have gone on suddenly without a plan with loved ones never knowing where their departure landed. “Our times are in His Hand,” if we yield to Him. Otherwise, we kick against the goad spending life on earth in absurdity; taking a path that has no value bringing a sense of void when the door of finality is open.
This is why we, those who are given the task, must proclaim the Lord and His ways. In so doing, Someone will hear! Someone will change! Someone will make it to the right place, the place that God has ordained for men; the place where Jesus has gone to prepare for us and is peacefully awaiting our time of arrival. That place where our Lord’s Presence is so steady and real, so strong and abounding with glory! He gives us an occasional glimpse. It’s a glimpse that takes us out of the time and flesh barriers that we live in. It’s a glimpse that restores our hopes and lessens our fears. Oh Lord, bring me nearer to You! Nearer to Your Heart, that while I’m here, I can feel You and love You and touch others in a way that they, too, will look above!
©2009 Rosalind M. Stanley

Friday, July 3, 2009


What you have, have it now.
So that later you don't regret.
Don't wait around and continually fret,
Thinking that "it" has not come yet.
Now is now so have it now!
Do it now!
Be it now!
Teach it now!
Love them now!
Write it now!
Live it, give it, use it now!
Enjoy and cherish what is now
Because now will never come again.
(c) 2009 Rosalind M. Stanley
James 4:13-14
"Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. NKJV

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

THE SECRET OF THE LORD by Oswald Chambers

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him . . . —Psalm 25:14 What is the sign of a friend? Is it that he tells you his secret sorrows? No, it is that he tells you his secret joys. Many people will confide their secret sorrows to you, but the final mark of intimacy is when they share their secret joys with you. Have we ever let God tell us any of His joys? Or are we continually telling God our secrets, leaving Him no time to talk to us? At the beginning of our Christian life we are full of requests to God. But then we find that God wants to get us into an intimate relationship with Himself— to get us in touch with His purposes. Are we so intimately united to Jesus Christ’s idea of prayer— "Your will be done" ( Matthew 6:10 )— that we catch the secrets of God? What makes God so dear to us is not so much His big blessings to us, but the tiny things, because they show His amazing intimacy with us— He knows every detail of each of our individual lives. "Him shall He teach in the way He chooses" ( Psalm 25:12 ). At first, we want the awareness of being guided by God. But then as we grow spiritually, we live so fully aware of God that we do not even need to ask what His will is, because the thought of choosing another way will never occur to us. If we are saved and sanctified, God guides us by our everyday choices. And if we are about to choose what He does not want, He will give us a sense of doubt or restraint, which we must heed. Whenever there is doubt, stop at once. Never try to reason it out, saying, "I wonder why I shouldn’t do this?" God instructs us in what we choose; that is, He actually guides our common sense. And when we yield to His teachings and guidance, we no longer hinder His Spirit by continually asking, "Now, Lord, what is Your will?"

Monday, May 4, 2009


You know that I had to blog about this!

(Click the link to Treasure You: or go to Good Morning America for the May 4th show.)

My daughter, Victoria Dominguez, was honored as "Best Stay at Home Mom" today on GOOD MORNING TEXAS! She was surprised by Pat Smith, Show host & founder of TREASURE YOU, which is also a segment on the show. Pat is a former Miss Virginia (among many other accolades), wife of Emmitt Smith, an industrious stay at home mother of four, and woman of God! We were all surprised today as we saw how God orders our steps and connects people in the strangest ways! I went to church with Pat's sister Pam in my early Virginia days. Vickie, not knowing Pat, many years ago saw her on a TV show and was prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray for her, and I can tell you that she has faithfully for years, without Pat knowing her. My former pastor, Bishop McBath (a different church than the one that me and her sister attended), dedicated her oldest baby. Then we meet up in Texas! Incidences, not coincidences, but God directed journeys. You know blogging is a one way chat. So, I am chatting with you. Comment, if you'd like to. As I mentioned on the program, I was 13 years old when I gave birth to Victoria. Many of you know that, many of you are probably surprised. When I look back, I am amazed. I won't go into any details about that, but I do plan to publish a book one day soon. 13 is sooo young. As I have opportunity to share with young girls, pregnant and not pregnant, I try to express to them the importance of waiting for marriage to have sex. Instead to work on allowing themselves to develop wholistically, and to learn how to have healthy relationships. Why? Because that wasn't was hard! And it certainly was not God's way or God's best for me. But God, as my sweet, wonderful mother says, forgives and restores. We had a hard life, but God... I am touched today more than my words can express. I have been privileged with seeing a change in my generation! As Vickie said, I am blessed to see the "fruit" of choosing to change for the good (our CTC slogan- The real truth is, allowing the Spirit of God to work in my life when I did not even know Him. What I do today, as a minister, as a counselor, is because I do know what pain feels like, what unhealthy living looks like and the drama of bad relationships. But, have been touched by God through Jesus Christ and am now a new person!! Better than before and getting better everyday (ask my husband : ). But God... God is the only One with the power to bring change that goes deep into the recesses of our souls, healing us and making us truly whole people. He did it, and is yet doing it for me/in me. What I am blogging about? Simply to say that GOD IS GOOD! His mercy endures forever! Pray for your children, your family members, your spouse, your relationships. Pray and CRI, CRI and pray as Donnie McClurkin's song suggests. CRI, Christian Relationship Initiative, a ministry of Christian Training Center, is in the works to help you pray your family into healthiness, godliness, and Victory. More to come about CRI. In the meantime, choose to allow God's way in your heart and life. It will more than likely mean letting go of some things. But, the rewards, the joy, the peace, and the blessings (Psalm 103), far outweigh what you must let go of to get there!!
Make a decision to be the change agent in your family... God extends His love to a thousand generations of those who love Him! (See John 14:15)
PS. If you would, tell Vickie that she did well. She was so shocked that she does not think she responded well.
to moms, grandmoms, aunties, play moms, angel moms, sister moms, etc.... Without you, what?

Monday, March 23, 2009

“Got Fruit?”

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV)
Spring break. Arthur, My husband, had promised our youngest son (Nathan) to a fishing trip, so we all set out for East Texas, Lake O’ The Pines, an area that Arthur had to see. Once in East Texas, we stopped at the last Walmart on the road to pick up a fishing license and miscellaneous items. I and our older son (Jason) went in one direction, while Art and Nathan went in another, agreeing to meet at the cash register.
Jason and I were done first, so we paid for our items and sat on a bench. A couple with a baby walked by (I’d recognized seeing them in passing while shopping). I overheard the husband say, “I’m not doing that!” I sensed that the wife had instructed him to give something to us. When they walked out of the store, I chalked it up as a mis-sense. However, within moments the young man with his baby came back in and walked by us again. My eyes followed him as he walked. He walked a short distance pass us, then turned back toward us.
As he walked by, he handed me a tract (see link noted below) that said, “Got Fruit,” with a God bless you and was gone faster than his arrival. I responded with a smile, “God Bless you, too.” I skimmed the tract, reminding myself to fully read it during our time at the lake. But, then came the questions: “Why did his wife think that I needed a tract?” (I was offended) They’d be surprised to know that I am a minister of the Gospel (I was in pride) Was it because I looked ragged? (I had no makeup on, and was dressed in my most raggedy/comfortable kind of clothing). “Or, was it because I’m black and they have a prejudice or racist view of blacks?” (This was an obviously predominantly white area) “Did I say something foul while shopping? (I was sure that I had not) “Or, did my countenance look mean, sad, or un-Christian like? (whatever that means- but countenance could be an issue)
Once getting in the car, I relayed the incident to Arthur and began to ask those questions of him and the boys. “Why do you think they thought I needed a tract?” They attempted to console me letting me know that they thought that I was a “good person” with Arthur saying that maybe the Holy Spirit just wanted them to give it to me perhaps to meditate on one of the Scriptures and not to think anything more of it or anything negative about it. After our short fishing trip and once home, I asked my daughter (Vickie) the same question. She responded by saying that it is probably just a confirmation to me about the fruit of the Spirit since it is something I emphasize (I gave detailed information about the fruit in my book-African American Family Life, It’s Time To Get It Back).
I am sure by now, you are probably saying to yourself something like, “Why so sensitive-do you have a fruit problem?” Or, why didn’t you just pray and ask God if there was something to it?” Or, forget about it, the young couple were just evangelizing! I did finally let it go, but to the Lord, asking Him about it. Did God answer? Not directly. But for the next few days the Holy Spirit made me more sensitive to when I was not walking in the fruit in my interactions with others or in my thought life. I found myself repenting for attitudes, behaviors, words or thoughts that do not reflect God’s Spirit. Because God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, is holy. And, His Spirit lives in me to help me (and us who believe and have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior) to be holy. That is, to walk out the fruit of His Spirit on a daily basis.
So, for whatever reason the couple chose to give me the tract, God used it for my good! Complacency comes to all of us, especially when you are one walking with the Lord for a number of years and used of the Lord over a period of time. Though I spend my time counseling others by the Word and praying them through their issues, I am reminded by this incident that I have to, on a throughout the day basis, allow the Holy Spirit to flow in and through me, because I can, like many of you, just know what to do and how to do it. Or, can allow the Holy Spirit to flow on the behalf of others (for ministry purposes) but not allow the work of the Spirit to get to my own issues or life challenges therefore cutting off the fruit and the flow of the Spirit in my own life.
So, “Got Fruit?” I will be more sensitive to the Spirit as I live out my days because it is the fruit of the Spirit of God empowered by the Holy Spirit that is Jesus in earthen vessels doing the “greater works” that Jesus said we would do. (John 14:12) I hope that my experience will help you to be more willing to accept correction from the Holy Spirit and make needed changes so we all can live and walk as lifestyle evangelists that cause others to want to know “the hope that is within us”(I Peter 3:15) and bring much glory to God!
See the tract at:

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I’ve been thinking for a few months now about unity and its impact on our lives and relationships. The thought was stimulated by a few scenarios. Firstly, the continuing debate between the Republicans and Democrats, whom are both Americans (from the United States of America). Then, family members who treat one another as each others enemy; family in many cases are the ones there for you almost no matter what, when others give up on you, let you down, put you down, etc. Lastly, people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, yet being divided, is the most amazing to me of all. Christians who hold offense against their brother or sister in Christ or disassociate with another or other Christians for an array of reasons that when it boils down to it are man made or self focused reasons and not pleasing to God.
I have had occasion not to click so well with another Christian brother or sister. However, a part of my maturity in Christ (and I didn’t say perfectly mature, but pressing on toward the mark)has been learning to obey the Word of God regardless of my feelings or human nature (human nature is bent toward sin). That is to honor God and to please Him rather than give any glory to Satan, the devil and enemy of God. I realized years ago that either I am aligning myself with God or with Satan in the way that I live and behave toward others. One Scripture says “Give no place to the devil.” Another says, “Whatever you do, do it to please God and not men, because it is the Lord God who you serve…and Him who will give you your reward.” Actually, Jesus was the one who said “united you stand, but divided you fall.” So, unity is of utmost importance.
Unity is what allows purpose to be fulfilled (it takes more than you to accomplish your purpose for existence). Whether we are talking about the United States of America, family members, or believers in Jesus Christ, the key to our destruction is to allow disunity to operate within us; being divided. This is a great opportunity for “the enemy” to slip in on us and begin the process of kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10).
If we do not see and understand this and understand that unity requires that we step out of selfishness and self-focused opinions or decision making, we are bound to experience destruction taking place in our lives and relationships. Allowing pride, anger, offense or other negative emotions to dictate what we will or will not do makes us unbelievers in the power of God or in what Jesus Christ accomplished for us on the Cross. This is why it is so important for us to “pick up our cross and die daily.” This means that daily, we must choose to bear the difficulties that have come our way giving them over to the Lord to give us what we need so we can handle them in a godly (Christ-like) manner.
We must be willing to forgive and release people who have hurt us (intentionally or unintentionally), or those who we disagree with on some point or who disagree with us, choosing to go beyond ourselves, loving them with the love of the Lord while praying for God’s divine intervention in the situation and/or in our hearts. God is on the throne and is always watching us, longing to pour more of Himself into us (which is the character, behavior, or attitude we need at the moment). Unity versus disunity will not only affect us externally in our relationships, but also internally, in our souls (mind/thoughts/intellect, will/choices, and feelings/emotions).
Anyway of ours that is not God’s way will not be for our good. As we choose God’s way of doing things and relating to others, we will experience good and see the positive taking place in our lives and relationships.
To end this thought, I plead with you to ask the Lord to show you if you have a wrong relationship (or wrong attitude toward another or others) in operation. As He shows you, repent, forgive, release them and ask for His healing if necessary. If it is possible, go to the person and make amends (you be the better person and be ye reconciled!!). This doesn’t mean that they are right and you are wrong. Nor does it mean that ungodly behavior is being condoned. It means that you are obeying God/following Jesus, not giving place to Satan and God will work it out for good! If it is not possible to go to the person (they may be dead or too mean to approach), know that God hears you and you are okay with Him.
“Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3:12-14 Holy Bible, New Living Translation ®, copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I want to share an acronym that can help you when you are dealing with a frustrating moment, day, situation, person, etc. If you choose to follow these suggestions (an act of your will is required/a choice), the frustration will begin to dissipate and you will begin to feel better and will be able to think more clearly. Here it goes:
Forgive others (so u too can be forgiven)
Release others (don't carry baggage)
U look at yourself & examine u, forgive u, etc.
Stay in God's Presence (He will never leave but we at times leave Him)
Talk openly, honestly & freely to God (Psalm 142)
R est in the Lord (maintain His peace/engage in Sabbath)
Always praise & worship the Lord
Tell of God's goodness, faithfulness, love- (His character)
Implore God (as much as you need to-this means to seriously call upon Him)
O bey God's Word (even if it kills you/Romans 8:13; Col. 3:5-10
Never give up (don't quit)
Doing these things will carry you and me through tough seasons, save us from defeat, and protect us from hard heartedness.
(c)2009 Rosalind M. Stanley

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


As we close out 2008 in our checkbooks, our activities, our hearts and minds, let’s remember our God who has brought us through to 2009. As I reflected on several of my years on this earth, I couldn’t help but remember some really difficult times, and yes, a number of them occurred in 2008. But as the song sung by the Kurt Carr singers pronounces, “God’s mercy kept me, so I wouldn’t let go.” And I am grateful to Him for His grace and mercy. Hopefully you are, too. When I think about some of those difficult moments and how God carried me through and out of them, I am humbled to tears. You may not be in any way like I have tended to be. Sometimes I whine or pout. Other times I have found myself in a depression. At times, just through. But, “only because of His grace” I am here to testify of His goodness. I know that he has been good to you, too. We tend to keep our focus on the negative or on the difficult situation or circumstance. However, just as Paul admonished Timothy, there are times when you must “encourage yourself” as the song sung by The Donald Lawrence singers suggests. My plan for 2009 is to grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord, meaning to rejoice in all circumstances knowing that God will never leave me helpless. He has taken me a mighty long way (as the old saints used to say) and not to leave me, but to bring me right into His will on a daily basis. What about you? What do you plan to do? As you decide, just remember that wherever you go and whatever you do, if you choose God as your means of support and not yourself or anyone else, your progress will be greater than what you could have ever accomplished yourself. So, don’t let go, don’t quit and as much as you need to, encourage yourself. You can do it! God is on your side. Just make sure that you do what he has for you and not just seeking what you want or want to do. If you follow God, your joy will be greater. Try it and see. I plan to. These are the songs that I mentioned. Take a few moments to listen to them and let them minister to you: I Almost Let Go by Kurt Carr Singers Encourage Yourself by Donald Lawrence