God wants us to know Him, not just about Him, and know that He is real. He wants us to receive His promises and wants us to be healed. Sometimes life challenges us and hurts us in ways that cause us to wonder if God is really real. Is He here for me? Will He help me or am I in this by myself? The truth is that God is always with us. He is always with you! He said that He will never leave you and will not forsake you. And, that He will never leave you helpless. Regardless as to how things look or how you feel, God is real!
Wherever you may find yourself, recognize that you are not alone. You may be depressed and sad. You may be distraught over a recent loss or betrayal. The hurt you feel is so painful that you don’t know what to do. Constant thoughts of the problem you are experiencing or the situation that occurred has consumed you. You may be in a transition, in that uncomfortable place of uncertainty. Or you may think that life is just not on your side.
God is real and He is there for you!
He loves you and desires the best for you. This walk through life on earth is indeed that, a walk. We walk from one challenge to another or from one pleasantry to another. Sometimes we live right in the middle of life’s challenges and pleasantries. Often, we really believe that we are to tell God what to do and He is supposed to do it, rather than the other way around. So end up being disappointed when what we want or hoped for is not found.
What is important for you to do is make a choice to choose God even though you can’t naturally see Him and in those times that you cannot feel Him. Recognize that God’s Word is true and that when you can’t feel Him His Word can bring you through.
As you read it day by day, God will surely make a way. He will reveal Himself and heal you, too. Only a few things that you must do: Read the Word, trust and do what it says, pray to God everyday. Stay far from negativity, whether it be people, thoughts, behaviors or places.
The biggest thing that will get you through is to have faith in God; trust Him to do what He said He’ll do.
He’ll order your steps and direct your path. He’ll bid His angels to watch over you. He’ll intervene in ways we can’t beforehand conceive. What the devil intended for evil, He will work for your good. His Holy Spirit will guide and teach you, showing you the way to go. He will warn and alert you to keep you from harm. While in your weakness, in Him, you’ll be strong.
This may not happen overnight, but little by little things will be right.
Most of what will happen for you is deep in the inside, His peace and joy will come to you. Trust in God, He’ll see you through. Plant this Truth in your heart and mind, God is real and He is real for you!
© 2008 Rosalind M. Stanley
BECAUSE OF GRACE Consulting & Training Services
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