Thursday, October 25, 2018


Consulting & Training Services
“Helping Others Achieve Their Goals & Be Their Best”

Mentor Wisdom from the Word
Plan, Prepare, Build

Proverbs 24:27
Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house.”

God's order bears fruit. God's way brings about dynamic results. Doing what God says implies trust in Him and His Word. Let us all take heed and employ this direction to our lives as much as we are able. 

Plan - a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something; an intention or decision about what one is going to do; decide on and arrange in advance; a set of intended actions, usually mutually related, through which one expects to achieve a goal. 
Summary: Futuristic, Vision, Mission, Goal

Not only must we make our plans, we must revisit them periodically to have them germinate within us. Write them to keep them visible. Anything that you intend to do must have some sort of plan, informal or formal. 

Prepare - make something ready for use or consideration; to work out details; to put together; to produce or make by combining elements; to synthesize, compound. Includes training, research, observations, and practicing. 
Summary: Readiness, Positioning

Get ready; make the the plan ready for the possible. If someone comes your way with a need for what you have planned, preparation makes it/you ready! 

Build - construct something by putting it together over a period of time; to develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process, or a particular base. Doing the plan you have prepared for. 
Summary: Strategic intentional implementation

The manifestation of all the planning and preparing has come. It may seem as a whirlwind full of continual activity or a slow, step, by step plodding. Eventually, what you only visualized has become a reality doing or being what you planned and prepared. 

Proverbs 16:9

“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” NLT

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” NIV

It is of utmost importance to listen to the Holy Spirit and to ponder what He says before building. During planning and preparation, we have opportunity to make adjustments according to God’s direction before the actual building process. It can come through the process of doing/trial and error, advice from others, or His still small voice. Building may not look exactly like the vision (plan) but will come out the way God ordained. To build, tenacity, faith, and patience are necessary to maintain a godly composure and to keep moving forward with the plan that He has prepared you for and has released you to implement! Walk by faith and not by sight throughout the process, this means trust God no matter what it looks like! 

Proverbs 3: 5,6

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” NLT

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

Rosalind Caldwell Stanley    October 2018

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Mental Health: Mental Illness & Emotional Distress

I have to say something about this current incident of shooting and the killing of mass numbers of people, most of them our youth!

My discourse can be totally spiritual or totally from a human perspective, however I will probably mix them because that is where I live everyday: a spiritual person (Christian) in a human body that lives in a world that is often difficult to understand or grapple with. 

I am so saddened as many of you by this Florida incident and many others that our country has unfortunately experienced! My heart and prayers go out to the families who have lost children / loved ones (teachers died, too). I cannot imagine the inner trauma of the youth who lived through it and hope and pray that they get the opportunity for trauma care within 48 hours to hopefully prevent PTSD or anxiety disorders.

My great concern is that our nation, as progressive and intelligent as we are are not wise when it comes to dealing with issues of mental illness or emotional distress.

First let me say this, because a person is diagnosed as mentally ill or is emotionally distressed it does not mean that they are a threat to society or that they will be a killer. The majority of people in this category are more needy of our care, compassion and help just to make it through each day of life than we actually realize!

So when a person who is diagnosed or observably seems mentally ill who does become a killer, there usually are unaddressed or unreported signs. The bigger problem is that we have tendency to be so caught up in ourselves or our own lives that we ignore others concerns or needs.

Also, in our country, with the diagnosed or seemingly mentally ill, especially when they are 18 years or older, the system is set up without care, compassion, or specific procedures to help them heal, to help them recover, or to do something to insure that they are not left to the tormentors, accusers, and confusion going on in their minds! This is where problems arise.

People in this category who have seen mental health providers or who have been identified by teachers or other institutions, or others, whether family members, neighbors, or friends, once deciding not to continue with treatment (and mind you, the fact that they are diagnosed mentally ill or are emotionally distressed, and depending on the diagnosis and the severity, are not rational), there is no real follow up, and because they are adults “privacy” precludes seeking them out!

Most people do not want to deal with such people or tend to look down on them not realizing that “but by the grace of God goes I!” Mental illness and emotional distress can happen to anyone at any point. Consider that most mental illnesses are Brain Disorders, not that person being demonized (though at times this might occur), or are at fault because of something they did, or are in this predicament because of the family members being dysfunctional or doing something to them when they were children.

The accurate and detailed information is out there provided by organizations like NAMI -National Alliance on Mental Illness, NIMH-National Institute on Mental Health, Brain & Behavior Research, Saddleback Church, American Association of Christian Counselors,
Mental Health Grace Alliance, and many others.

Three big problems keep this issue from being adequately addressed, 1) stigma, shame and looking down on people and families dealing with mental illness and 2) ignorance, many people think and say things about the mentally ill that are untrue or not fully understood and lastly, 3) resistance to seeking to be aware then to do something about it. In some areas of life and living, we are not our brother’s / sister’s keeper. We are often very selfish, self-centered and afraid that we will be subject to a sacrifice that will interrupt our great need for our own freedom, pleasure or entertainment seeking.

Laws and procedures for how we deal with mental illness in our country has to be reconsidered and rewritten. Health care providers and law enforcers need more money to hire more people to address this huge concern in our country in a way that is helpful and preventive. 

This is a subject that needs to be ongoing, not coming up only when there is a mass shooting or a few family members killed by a loved one or when incidents like Ashanti who was kidnapped and killed by a known mentally ill and homeless man who was allowed to be on a military base! We as a nation must take this concern very seriously dealing with it from the bottom up addressing every aspect of it from children through adults including homelessness as a result of mental illness! 

I could say more but this is what I have to say today. 

America please let’s do the right thing for those unable to help or care for themselves! And let’s choose to be our brother’s and sister’s keepers! Continual prayers for those grieving is in order because God does heal the broken-hearted and binds their wounds. Practical measures on a daily basis added to our prayer is what will change the heart of our nation.

Postscript: This writing is not intended to serve as an excuse for any killings or to downplay the grief of America or any family members in agony because of this FLorida or other killings. My concern is prevention, intervention, and recovery of all.

Saturday, January 27, 2018


I decided to read Matthew 25 again as I read through the Bible and have noticed a “wisdom principle” that I hadn’t seen the way I see it now. Let me see if I can get to the point in sharing this revelation to my soul that it can hopefully bless your life and help you in your Kingdom Assignment(s).

“For God so loved the world that He gave…,” that is a portion of John 3:16, which most people my age are familiar with. And our aim as His children is to give ourselves that others can receive His Love – eternal life. However, in this passage, Matthew 25: 1-13, The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids, (please read it for yourself), Jesus is teaching us a wisdom principle about giving. A note: He is not referring to money, as the word “giving” often connotes in the Body of Christ.

The wise women prepared for their assignment. They made sure that they had ample supply of the oil (the anointing, the power, the skill, the knowledge, the item or items important to carrying out the Kingdom Assignment). Whereas, the foolish women were busy doing other things (perhaps spending much time and energy getting their make-up, hair, and nails done, watching girlie flicks, etc.) and did not give thought or time to making sure that they had enough of what they would need for the assignment. They were looking at the assignment from the surface and were giddy about “their spot” or their involvement and the attention they would get.

Give some thought to a normal bridesmaid… They are thinking about how they look, does their dress fit, how they are going to walk, and all the normal, natural vain and self-promoting things the average bridesmaid thinks about; worldly thinking. They are not thinking that they have been given a role/assignment that when the wedding is over, they need to be prepared to assist with the marriage. That is, being a forever (in the natural from a distance) intercessor for that marriage, praying for them, checking in on them, finding ways to help their relationship flourish and stay together.

So, when a certain time came, everyone was tired; the wait was way longer than what they had anticipated and all of them fell asleep! All of them is important to see! This flesh, our humanity has a strong pull on us. Even though the wise women prepared themselves, they couldn’t control the things that happened naturally. We cannot control the winds and rains of life or the issues that impact our lives! At times, the wise women, the prepared ones, are like everyone else in the world – just going through it…seemingly. It looks as though all your effort, energy, your faith walk, and all the preparation was futile!

But then, when it is least expected, the moment arrives –
it’s time
to move into the fulfillment of the assignment.
Not time to get ready!
Not time to think about what to do next!
It’s now that time to move without delay!

And this is the point. There are times when  you see the need (s) of another or others and they may even directly ask for your assistance. But you, me, we must be able to discern the times of our own lives according to the assignment (s) God has given us individually or even as some collective body on a mission for His Kingdom! At this point when the Bridegroom opens the door, makes a way, says, “come on Let’s move forward” or simply “it’s time,” we must move, do, go, fulfil!

When someone asks you for what you prepared for, what you have, or what is necessary to fulfill the assignment, it is not selfish to say, “no, go get it for yourself,” because they had the same opportunity to prepare but chose otherwise. Realistically, and in all humility, and more importantly, whatever the reason they are not ready at this time, cannot be your concern! Your primary concern has to be The Bridegroom and His call on your life! You do not have “extra” that you can give it away! Actually, giving it away will weaken you. The unprepared women, in this season, are not your responsibility! The choices they made are not to be discussed or reasoned. Your primary focus is The Bridegroom and His call on your life!

So, being a giver, whether it is of ministry to others, time, self, finances, or whatever, it becomes even more urgent for you to recognize the time you are in! (or will be in because this may happen periodically in this life until we get the final call).

Givers must get over themselves in feeling responsible or guilty thinking themselves to be selfish or unsacrificing when they have more than enough and sense not to give it away. Understand what I am saying, know by the Spirit of God, not by the flesh (Galatians 5:16, Romans 8:14, Galatians 5:25). In other words, hear God’s voice daily to know His will – don’t just do what you always do because that is you and how you do it. Let God direct your way each day (Proverbs 3:5,6). Discern the difference between self-protection and any other self-way that is all about you and the flesh!

The focus, again, has to be The Bridegroom and His call on your life whether that be the assignment of the moment or your very station or status in life! When He says, “it’s time” act as wise as you are (that is be wise : ) and go ahead with all your stuff (skill, knowledge, money, items) [and we as His children should carry the anointing, but then that is another teach] and do whatever it is He has assigned you to do!