Monday, May 23, 2011

Voices: Whose is Influencing You?

Recently, I watched House of Payne, a Tyler Perry sitcom. The husband on the show, Curtis, while sleeping on the living room sofa, thought that he heard the audible voice of God speaking directly to him. He heard "the voice" tell him to study the Word of God and to live out what it says. He was so impacted by the direction that he received from " the voice" that he found his Bible and vowed to read it from front to back. Afterward, he sat his wife down to inform her of what he had heard and how their lives would be changed as a result. He agreed to begin attending church with his wife as a part of his new way of life. He was very committed to this new pursuit, though very bothersome to his family and friends, until he learned that "the voice" was a TV infomercial. At that, he ended his pursuit of God and declared that he was returning to his "evil ways," as he described his life before God's Word became priority. All of us are influenced by some outside voice or voices. The influence is determined by the degree that we either give our time and/or attention to them, or to the degree of ignorance (literal meaning: not knowing) that we are seeped in about the impact of these voices. What voice or voices influence your life either knowingly or unknowingly? Is it the sexualized society that's promoted all throughout the day in so many ways, subtlety to explicitly? Or, is it conservative, liberal, humanistic or socialistic viewpoints? Could it be religious denominations or political parties? Or, is it the bling of the rich and famous or the local drug dealer? Is it status and prestige or having influential positions or titles of distinction? What influences you? If your five senses are in operation, as a human being, you will be influenced by some voice. If you do not choose "the voice" that will influence/give direction for your life, you may end up being led in directions not necessarily good for you. "There is a way that seems right to man, but the end leads to destruction." (Proverbs) Though Curtis, the character in the Tyler Perry sitcom did not continue to follow "the voice" when he realized that it was not God Himself speaking to him, we can learn something from this episode. The truth is that studying/learning the Bible, God's Word, is the influence that will help us toward a life that is good and lead us in the right direction. And, I didn't say that you would not have challenges. As we choose to study the Bible, we get to know God, and ironically, as we take the Word in and meditate on it, we get to see and know ourselves more clearly. It also helps us in our decision making and gives us the grace we need to live a life that brings us a sense of peace and joy. Whether at work, home, a sports activity, or recreational events, the Word we study and learn remains within us inspiring our actions and our relationships. Some say, "how do I do this or that? What about academics, science, psychology, or the medical field? The bible doesn't help with any of that!" The amazing thing about studying God's Word, is that as you consistently give time to it, reading and meditating, you will recognize that you have a better understanding in many aspects and arenas of life and are in a position of making wise choices. It doesn't happen over night, though. It takes consistent attention and obedience to it; doing what it says. And this is a choice that you make. "Choose between life or death, blessings or cursing." (Deuteronomy) Make a good decision today. Pay attention to what "voice" you are giving your time and attention to. If it is not the Word of God, know that you are on a shaky path. Choosing God and His Word as your "Voice" of Influence places you on a path that leads to a better way of life; living God's way, living a blessed life. It also helps us in choosing how to handle our business (as the saying goes) and our problems. And, receiving Jesus Christ, God's Son as your Savior and Lord, will give you eternal life (the greater life), to enjoy for eternity!

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