" Now your impurity is lewdness, because I have tried to cleanse you
but you would not be cleansed from your impurity, you will not be
clean again until my wrath against you has subsided.
I, the Lord have spoken: The time has come for Me to act.
I will not hold back; I will not have pity nor will I relent. You will be
judged according to your conduct and actions, declares the Lord."
Ezekiel 24:13-14
What was in my spirit prior to reading this Holy Spirit led to word, was "there is a war going on, an actual war between the Republicans and Democrats, Governor Romney and President Obama. The warriors are out." It was like a scene before my eyes where the public could only see the minimal ugliness of the war, being deceived to think that their chosen party or presidential candidate was good. But in reality, behind the scenes, an all out ugly, mean, evil war is taking place. Both parties equally engaged. Immediately, I began to pray. This is what I prayed (perhaps you will join me in this prayer):
Oh Lord! My Father God! I pray for my country, the United States of America. I pray Lord, for Your grace. I know that You have extended Your mercy and grace for us for a long time and that You have been holding back for that reason. Lord, You have a remnant of Your people here in America who do love You and have chosen to walk in Your ways. Who do not curse their brethren, who do not take political sides, but clearly see You and have chosen You! Will You not relent on our behalf Lord? Will You intervene and only cause Your wrath to come to those who chose not to fear You as God?
Please Lord, reveal Yourself to those who are at the critical and strategic places in this inner American war. Cause them to see that You are God. If they ignore You this time Lord, spare those who have chosen and will choose You. Allow those of us who fear You to have an open opportunity to proclaim You and Your ways! Give us the platform, the funds, the favor and open doors to proclaim You without compromise, and totally separated from politics, political parties and political shenanigans! Lord, Your will be done! Hear my prayer and others crying out to You for the United States of America! Let Your Spirit of Unity begin to operate and flow amongst the people who have chosen You as their God and Lord and recognize You as Creator and Sustainer of all things. Forgive us for complacency.
I am praying out of finite thinking and seeing, Lord, You know all things. So if it be Your will, this word that You spoke to me, so be it, Lord. Only make ways for Your children, those who have not turned to the left or the right, but whose eyes and hearts are on You. In Jesus' Name I cry to You! AMEN
(Numbers 20:17; Deuteronomy 2:27, 5:32, 17:11; Joshua 1;7, 23:6; 2 Chronicles 34:2; Proverbs 4:27; Isaiah 30:12)
Oh Lord! My Father God! I pray for my country, the United States of America. I pray Lord, for Your grace. I know that You have extended Your mercy and grace for us for a long time and that You have been holding back for that reason. Lord, You have a remnant of Your people here in America who do love You and have chosen to walk in Your ways. Who do not curse their brethren, who do not take political sides, but clearly see You and have chosen You! Will You not relent on our behalf Lord? Will You intervene and only cause Your wrath to come to those who chose not to fear You as God?
Please Lord, reveal Yourself to those who are at the critical and strategic places in this inner American war. Cause them to see that You are God. If they ignore You this time Lord, spare those who have chosen and will choose You. Allow those of us who fear You to have an open opportunity to proclaim You and Your ways! Give us the platform, the funds, the favor and open doors to proclaim You without compromise, and totally separated from politics, political parties and political shenanigans! Lord, Your will be done! Hear my prayer and others crying out to You for the United States of America! Let Your Spirit of Unity begin to operate and flow amongst the people who have chosen You as their God and Lord and recognize You as Creator and Sustainer of all things. Forgive us for complacency.
I am praying out of finite thinking and seeing, Lord, You know all things. So if it be Your will, this word that You spoke to me, so be it, Lord. Only make ways for Your children, those who have not turned to the left or the right, but whose eyes and hearts are on You. In Jesus' Name I cry to You! AMEN
(Numbers 20:17; Deuteronomy 2:27, 5:32, 17:11; Joshua 1;7, 23:6; 2 Chronicles 34:2; Proverbs 4:27; Isaiah 30:12)
Disclaimer: This is not to suggest that you not vote, however it is a suggestion to consider your allegiance. Is it to God or a political party?