Thursday, August 30, 2012


I was led by the Spirit of God to this passage:

" Now your impurity is lewdness, because I have tried to cleanse you
but you would not be cleansed from your impurity, you will not be
clean again until my wrath against you has subsided. 
I, the Lord have spoken: The time has come for Me to  act. 
I will not hold back; I will not have pity nor will I relent. You will be 
judged according to your conduct and actions, declares the Lord."
Ezekiel 24:13-14

What was in my spirit prior to reading this Holy Spirit led to word, was "there is a war going on, an actual war between the Republicans and Democrats, Governor Romney and President Obama. The warriors are out."  It was like a scene before my eyes where the public could only see the minimal ugliness of the war, being deceived to think that their chosen party or presidential candidate was good. But in reality, behind the scenes, an all out ugly, mean, evil war is taking place. Both parties equally engaged. Immediately, I began to pray. This is what I prayed (perhaps you will join me in this prayer):

Oh Lord! My Father God! I pray for my country, the United States of America. I pray Lord, for Your grace. I know that You have extended Your mercy and grace for us for a long time and that You have been holding back for that reason. Lord, You have a remnant of Your people here in America who do love You and have chosen to walk in Your ways. Who do not curse their brethren, who do not take political sides, but clearly see You and have chosen You! Will You not relent on our behalf Lord? Will You intervene and only cause Your wrath to come to those who chose not to fear You as God?

Please Lord, reveal Yourself to those who are at the critical and strategic places in this inner American war. Cause them to see that You are God. If they ignore You this time Lord, spare those who have chosen and will choose You. Allow those of us who fear You to have an open opportunity to proclaim You and Your ways! Give us the platform, the funds, the favor and open doors to proclaim You without compromise, and totally separated from politics, political parties and political shenanigans! Lord, Your will be done! Hear my prayer and others crying out to You for the United States of America! Let Your Spirit of Unity begin to operate and flow amongst the people who have chosen You as their God and Lord and recognize You as Creator and Sustainer of all things. Forgive us for complacency.

I am praying out of finite thinking and seeing, Lord, You know all things. So if it be Your will, this word that You spoke to me, so be it, Lord. Only make ways for Your children, those who have not turned to the left or the right, but whose eyes and hearts are on You. In Jesus' Name I cry to You! AMEN

(Numbers 20:17; Deuteronomy 2:27, 5:32, 17:11; Joshua 1;7, 23:6; 2 Chronicles 34:2;  Proverbs 4:27; Isaiah 30:12)

Disclaimer: This is not to suggest that you not vote, however it is a suggestion to consider your allegiance. Is it to God or a political party?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Success vs. Purpose

Read March 5, Oswald Chambers Devotional, My Utmost for His Highest. I can add no better words to this, except to reiterate: your success is being led by the Spirit of Almighty God into His will and purpose for your life and bringing that to fulfillment by never giving up! Trust God to the end, no matter how hard it hurts, He promises to never leave you and has a destined end that is far greater than what you can comprehend!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Is there such a thing? What does it mean to be genuine? And, what does it mean to be Christian!?

In a conversation with a dear friend over the concern of some Believers who act out worldliness or live according to human standards then the disappointment it produces in other Believers, I heard myself say, "people are looking for genuine Christianity."

Immediately after saying those words, I knew that I needed to listen to the Holy Spirit for clarification; for an exposition on those words. And, a requirement to write what I would hear and learn from Him.

Then, I heard the words from Scripture that were spoken by our Lord; "Who do men say that I am?" Peter was the follower with the correct answer. Not because he himself really knew the answer. The answer was revealed to him by the Spirit of God! "You are Christ, the Son of God"

Jesus' response to Peter helps us to gage the importance of this Q & A. Unless the Holy Spirit reveals to men, that Jesus is Christ, very connected to Almighty God and on assignment by Him on this earth, we will miss our connection to and assignment because of Jesus that comes through the Holy Spirit from God.

Christ. The word Christian comes out of this word. "Little Christs," is what Christian means. But, what about Christ? What does His name mean? If we are little Him, it is of utmost urgency and importance to know what that means! Then, of equal urgency and importance is to "be" what it means!

So, Christ means "Messiah," The Deliverer. He came to deliver mankind from a condition that only He had the ability to deliver them/us from. Sin. Sin is a transgression from Divine Law. The man Adam transgressed upsetting mankind's eternal propensity. But, when Jesus came to the earth, died on the Cross, arose on the third day, and went back to the Father, He did all of this to deliver mankind from this eternal propensity, also called sin, bringing man into right standing with Almighty God, if we chose to accept.

Without getting gooky or heretical, we must get the revelation that we, who have accepted Jesus Christ into our lives, are here to deliver others from this eternal propensity, sin, through our connection with Jesus Christ. This, my fellow Christian, is our assignment. How we engage the assignment must come through us being genuine. Meaning, being true to who we are in Christ! Being true to what the Word from our Lord says about us. Free from pretense and hypocrisy; really being sincere! Not a counterfeit, but the real deal!

This is what marked Peter. He was the real deal. Though he may have looked too impulsive to some, Peter loved our Lord and was sold out to Him. This was a heart fertile for a revelation from God. I imagine that God knew that He could trust Peter to blurt out the revelation of Truth that came to Him and to live it out.

Don't you want to be like Peter? Sold out to the Lord, without pretense or hypocrisy, (until the circumstances of the Cross), and so sincere that he acted in immediacy regarding our Lord!

At least at this juncture in the journey he was totally real and very expressive. And even though this quality was later tested, we know that Peter came through. He was sold out for our Lord all the days of his life, delivering many, even to this day, from the awful propensity toward a sinful existence and eternity.

There's much more that I could say, but I'm sure you get the gist. What actually is this life about? What actually is your life about? Is it about you, yours, and a little bit for the Lord? Or, are you sold out? Are you a "deliverer?"