“But when our time was up, we left and continued on our way…”
Acts 21:5a
It is important to be sensitive to the Spirit of God so to know when “our time is up” in a place, situation, relationship or assignment. Regardless as to how we feel about it, good or bad, agree or disagree, what those around us may say about it-positive or negative, ultimately, we must know for ourselves.
And when we know, we must take the courage to “let go” and to literally “go” away from it. According to the above noted verse, they “left and continued on their way.” They started out with an intended destination. As they traveled, they encountered some disciples; believers in Christ Jesus. They took time to fellowship with them. Just as at their last stop, they enjoyed the sharing and receiving. They strengthened the believers, and in turn, were strengthened. It felt good and relaxing. It was a comfortable atmosphere and certainly a place where Paul was needed and could find reason to make his permanent ministry.
However, evn though knowing in advance (because the Spirit had spoken to him through a prophet) that trouble awaited him at his intended destination-Jerusalem, he remained focused and on task. He did not allow fear or concern about what was ahead, to get next to him. His only goal was to please the God whom he served and to finish his assignment, whatever the cost.
At times, God is leading us to make a change in our lives. Maybe it is to let go of a ministry position that you’ve held for awhile. Perhaps, He has someone else prepared and ready to move into that position and has something else for you. It could be that you are lounging at a particular place, but it is time to go – your time is up.
Or, perhaps, you have lost sight of your destination because you have become settled, comfortable, or complacent where you are. You have decided that where you are is your final destination (whether it is a position, place, an assignment or possession), so you have closed out your ability to hear what the Spirit of God may be saying to you.
Paul kept his destination in full view even as he stopped to accomplish a ministry assignment on the road to his destination. He did not stay there. When it was time to go, he left! He did not allow his feelings, his personal agenda, his level of comfort, the relationships he developed or the fear/concern about what awaited him, to keep him from his God ordained destination. His goal was to fulfill the Master’s plan, no matter what. (vs. 13)
How about you? Take some time to contemplate about your place in life. Are you on task? Or have you allowed current circumstances, good or bad, cloud your focus? Have you, perhaps, allowed fear or concern about the destined place, stop you in your tracks? The Bible records these words, it is said, 365 times: “do not fear.” God is with you wherever you go. Stop, ask Him to clear your focus. If you recognize that your time is up in some area of your life, follow Paul as he followed Christ Jesus. Leave that thing, person, place, assignment, and continue on your way. Do it for the glory of God, not considering your own glory. But, remembering that God knows everything about you, His plans for you, and the way He has made for your life. Trust Him and go on your way. He’ll carry you through and to the destiny He has prepared for you!