Forgive others (so u too can be forgiven)
Release others (don't carry baggage)
U look at yourself & examine u, forgive u, etc.
Stay in God's Presence (He will never leave but we at times leave Him)
Talk openly, honestly & freely to God (Psalm 142)
R est in the Lord (maintain His peace/engage in Sabbath)
Always praise & worship the Lord
Tell of God's goodness, faithfulness, love- (His character)
Implore God (as much as you need to-this means to seriously call upon Him)
O bey God's Word (even if it kills you/Romans 8:13; Col. 3:5-10
Never give up (don't quit)
Doing these things will carry you and me through tough seasons, save us from defeat, and protect us from hard heartedness.
(c)2009 Rosalind M. Stanley