These words are a part of The Sermon on The Mount better known as The Lord’s Prayer. Most of us who can recite this prayer learned it from the King James Version of the Bible (KJV). Other translations say “deliver us from the evil one.” The point of the prayer is that the Lord God, whom is All Powerful, would take us away from that which is evil; the influence of evil and the actual involvement with evil.
For most of us, this word evil is a strong word and carries with it a scary meaning. Like the cartoons that emphasize the pretty person versus the sinister looking person or the super heroes whose continual assignment is to conquer the evil one and/or deliver the people from hurt, harm, or danger. Usually the evil person is portrayed as some very wicked villain or some monster like creature that intimidates and puts great fear into people. The evil one, in most of theses scenarios, is visibly discernable because of its hard, scary, or abnormal look and/or sound.
This word evil is not as deep and unattached to us as it has been
made to sound to us.
But this word evil is not as deep and unattached to us as it has been made to sound. Like the word, wicked. When we hear that word, it too, causes us to tremble in fear or picture some fairy tale witch like creature invading us or our homes. This perspective of evil or wicked is what causes many of us to categorize our wrongs. Of course, we are not evil or wicked when we do something wrong. In truth, we have all done wrong. As Christians especially, when we do wrong (sin), most of us know that in our heart of hearts, we do not consider ourselves evil or wicked.
The truth about this word is that it simply means “that which is not like God.” That is the RStanley dictionary definition (smile). The word wicked and the word evil in the Bible, both mean that what is being done or said is against the way of God. It is opposite of what is godly. It is false verse Truth, right versus wrong, or good versus bad. When we talk specifically about what is right versus wrong, or good versus bad, sin, evil, wicked, or false versus truth, everyone has their own opinion. As followers of Jesus Christ, He becomes our standard for what is right versus wrong, evil, sin, wicked, or false versus truth, etc., instead of human opinion or demonic ways (Devil led or influenced).
As followers of Jesus Christ, He becomes our standard for what is right versus wrong, what is evil, sin, wicked, or false versus truth, etc., instead of human opinion or demonic ways.
So, back to my thought which is found in the Bible, Matthew 6:13 and Luke 11: 4 which reads, “…but deliver us from evil” (or the evil one meaning the Devil), is a prayer that we must look at more closely as we attempt to live lives pleasing to our Lord. If our aim is to please Him, if our aim is to be like Him, if our aim is to be witnesses of Him, then He must be our focus.
We must get our ministry from Him so we can recognize when we are engaging in evil or being influenced by evil. Our ministry from Him comes through seeking Him; reading His Word, hearing the preached word, praying (having conversation with Him), singing songs that praise and worship Him, and by having fellowship with people who proclaim Him. As we involve ourselves with God we must allow His Words (and His Spirit) to penetrate our hearts and minds so that we become more and more sensitive to Him. The more sensitive we are to Him, the less we will engage in or be influenced by evil (See John 10:4, 5).
Let me reiterate my thought in different words. Evil is not a big bad monster. Evil is not only the Mafia or a corrupt government or a robber, thief or a liar. All of these represent evil in action. However, evil is a way that is not like God and is in opposition to His Word. It is in the heart and starts with our thoughts moving to our attitudes then to our words and actions. It is not always some scary, monster like being, or some Hilter like person.
Evil is a way that is not like God and is in opposition to His Word. It is in the heart and starts with our thoughts moving to our attitudes then to our words and actions.
Unfortunately, being born into this imperfect world through an imperfect being causes us to have evil within us. (I don’t want to be too preachy, but take a look at these verses: Psalm 51:5, Jeremiah 17:9).
This is why we need Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior. He made the way for us that we do not have to (because of our nature) live doing evil. The entrance of Him and His words into our hearts is what produces real change in us, causing us to focus on Him and His Way. If our goal/focus is to please ourselves rather than seeking to please God, we have begun a subtle track toward evil. Evil is a power that opposes God and His way of doing things, aka, righteousness.
And let the truth be told, all of us want to please ourselves or be pleased. Actually, God takes delight in the pleasure of His saints! The key is that God is the One who ordains the Way. He, who created man, knows what man is made of and what man requires for true pleasure. Evil wants to trick us into believing that pleasure will come through some man made way, material things, a person, power, position; essentially, through our own righteousness (aka, way of doing things) then we begin to focus on and pursue this.
In and of ourselves, we do not have the power to take ourselves away from evil or evil influences (naturally-in the world or spiritually-the devil and his cohorts). We need the power of God to deliver us from evil.!
We need the power of God to deliver us from evil!
And when we believe that God is All Powerful, when we seek Him, and receive His way by allowing it to become our way through our willingness, words and actions, day by day we will walk in deliverance from evil. That is, from all those ways that oppose Him, that are contrary to His Truth, that don’t look or sound like Him, or that are counterfeits of Him. Our intimate relationships will change for good and we will begin to take pleasure in pleasing God. Then in God we’ll find true satisfaction, contentment, and joy that evil ways can never give us.
So let's begin to include in a part of our daily prayer, first, remembering that our Lord is the All Powerful God, who knows us well, and who is able to do exceedingly above all that we can ask, think, or even imagine. Then,
asking Him to deliver us from our individual evil allowing Him to show us evil that might be present with us in our thoughts, attitudes, words, or actions, at work, at home, at school, at church on the football field, or wherever we may find ourselves.
As we do this, yielding to His Way, we will begin to see that living our lives God's Way overshadows evil and that God is always at work on the behalf of them whose hearts are turned toward Him!
Living our lives God's Way overshadows evil.