Let this word speak to your heart. Receive what God wants to minister to you; because it is time now for the people who know God to fill the earth with His glory:
"You have to move forward. You cannot allow the circumstances in your life or the people around you to have negative affect on what I called you to and in what I am doing through you. It is time for you to arise and move forward in maturity. If no one goes with you, if no one follows you, you must still go and do what I have called you to. Let go of your attempts to keep everyone around you happy or at peace.
Choose this day whom you will serve!
Serving Me means being willing to allow others not to be pleased with you. It means dying to your need to be approved, accepted, and applauded by others. You must move forward! Get back into the swing. My anointing is upon you to do all that I have called you to and to fulfill my every plan and purpose for your life. I will handle the strife and contention that comes from your obedience to Me. I will smooth the crooked places. I will stand on your behalf and turn evil intentions to good for My Kingdom. Trust Me. Know that I Am with you, that I Am for you. Go forward. Do My will. Touch My people with Your gifts. Let Your confidence be in Me. Go forth, don't look back, no matter what go and do what I called you to."
I asked the Lord, "tell me again, what am I supposed to do (for You)?
His response, "I have already set you up. You are in place and in position to fulfill My plans. You know what to do. You know how. Time now to do it. I will bless you with the people who will help you to pursue all that I have put in your heart to do. But do not count on them, count on Me. Keep looking at Me, putting your hope and trust in Me. I will supply your every need. I am your Provider. Have I ever left you helpless? (selah-pause and think on this) Have I ever left you without a resource? (selah) I Am your Resource. Lock into Me for everything. This is the day that I have made. Rejoice and be glad in it. Go forward. Now is the time!"
Isaiah 30: 18
Therefore, the Lord will wait that He may be gracious to you. And therefore He will be exalted and he will have mercy on you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all those who wait on Him. (who put their trust in Him- Psalm 34:8)
Note: Whatever you do, do it by faith operating in love knowing that God's grace is with you. Consider what this means if you are married, a minister or a caregiver. Love is always the answer. Love gives. (John 3:16). Always to give love is what God is calling His children to. Giving love will sometimes hurt you (dying to self); or it will hurt someone who requires tough love for the sake of their edification to come (refusing to sin for them). Love is not codependency. Love is according to God and His Word. Love and do. God will intervene for you.