Sunday, January 27, 2008


Attraction by definition means something alluring, appealing or enticing. It tends to magnetize the one with the attraction. From one degree to another it is like an invisible pull toward something that seems to have some level of a hold on its admirer. It speaks with unspoken words in a language that cannot be heard, saying such things as, “you will benefit if you have me.” Or, “you need me; you’re no good without me.”

Exposure to the attraction increases its value to the onlooker and stirs up the fantasy of possessing it in some fashion. The fantasy sends the needy one into strategic thinking, with the focus on ways to obtain, be a part of, have access to, connect with or achieve the desired thing or gain relationship with the desired person or organization.

The attraction begins to hold the person in a mental grip. They begin to believe by silently telling themselves, “I have to have this or my life will never be right,” or, “this is the answer to my happiness, this will make me complete.” There are times when acquiring the attraction is a good thing, like two lovers coming together in holy matrimony. Or, like a person obtaining their college degree. Other times, the feeling that the fantasy plays out, never comes, leaving the attractor with unresolved hope and regret.

Often the attraction is repeatedly sought after, with the pursuer seeming to almost get there, but continually missing it. Obtaining it some of the time and experiencing pleasure for such a brief moment, like a thief in the night; never reaching satisfaction. This behavior becomes an addiction or can be termed a compulsive behavior. The subtle attraction becomes a fatal distraction, because now the person has lost touch with reality in that other aspects of their life begin to be destroyed for lack of adequate attention.

But what about the person who has a subtle attraction yet manages to stay on top of other aspects of their life? So much so that others cannot tell (except the intimate ones) that something (or someone) is pulling that person, that something (or someone) has more priority than what is being portrayed. I think about the church of today, the Body of Christ Jesus. No, not all Believers in Jesus Christ have subtle attractions, but many seem to be subtlety attracted by the ways and things of the world.

Seems that many of us believe that we have to prove to the world that we can do what they do, and still represent Christ Jesus. Or, that if we show them that we are as___________ (fill in the blank) as they are, then they will accept Christ or validate us, the Church, the Body of Christ. And, I am not necessarily addressing the use of technology. Technological advances are assets to spreading the Truth, that is, The Word of God, to more people and nations.

What I am referring to is, people of God taking on the looks, characteristics, attitudes, appetites and ways of the world, but camouflaging them to look like Christianity or evangelism. Not really with a goal to be all things to all men to win some, as Paul states he did. Many of us are just being like the world, getting for self and promoting self. Too many Christians are confused and not really understanding who they are and why they are. Too many Christians are living as though they think that this world is what we are about; being so earthly minded, that we are no heavenly good!

The subtle attraction that many of us Believers in Christ have for the world and the things of the world actually equals distraction.

Distraction from keeping our minds, hearts, eyes and lives focused on the One whom we are here for. We are not able to influentially proclaim the Christ we believe in and have accepted as our Lord and Savior because our attraction to the world slowly and subtlety grips us, hindering us from being truly radical for Christ and living lives that reflect His Kingdom ways. That is, being all that we can be in Him, allowing Him to flow through us to reach the world that they become attracted to us; to Christ in us, the Hope of glory.

We forget that Christ gave up His life to give us eternal life. Being “born again” moved us from a mere earthly existence to an eternal reality and a goal for Life forever with Christ. Some Christians have taken on the worldly view that my statement is the fantasy, an unreality. Rather, that this world is what we should be pressing about in life. Yes, we do have to take care of the cares of this world since we are in the world. But, we do need to remember that we are not of this world!

We do not need the world’s approval, acceptance, or validation to be who we are! We need to be who we are so that the world can see and believe and become attracted to the Reality of Life, which is (in) Christ Jesus our Lord.

And this, so that they too, can have eternal life becoming mindful of eternity and taking on an eternal view of this earthly life and the Christ way of living it!

This begins, my fellow Believers in Christ, with us being fully attracted to the One who gave us life and liberty that we can lead others to pursue Him and have eternal life and the internal freedom that it brings. Distraction brings destruction. The right attraction brings freedom and power to live eternal life on earth and for all eternity!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Time For A Refocus, Time for Change

"For the sake of our children and our children's children, for the sake of the Kingdom of God on earth, we must take a genuine stand. We must regain our focus for living this life we call Christianity. We must do what Jesus said we would do: "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my Father." John 14:12

(From my book: African American Family Life: It's Time to Get It Back, Xulon Press, 2004)

The cry for change has come to America. The way things used to be can no longer be status quo. The American church must change and become a change agent in this time of great transition. We must begin to recognize the true purpose of the church, acknowledging Who called it into existence and why. We can no longer allow philosophy, humanism, intellectualism, the tradition of men or the basic principles of this world to cheat us into thinking that we need more of_____ (money, fame, possessions, etc.) to be somebody. We are complete in Christ Jesus! It is who He is and what He has done for mankind that truly makes us who we are and determines our course in life! And this, because He has given each person a gift, that is, a pre-planned purpose for living and the ability to accomplish it.

The Church, the Body of Christ, believers and followers of Christ, aka, Christians must take a stand in this American land! You might be wondering "what in the world is she referring to?" and "what stand are we to take?" It is time for the church, the people of the True and Living God to stand up for Him! It is time to decide to live for God and not just for His benefits! What do I mean. We have got to allow the Lord to be represented in and through us on a daily basis. We must live, move, and have our being in Him, for His purposes, not our own. We must allow Him to direct our paths, from the inside to the outside.

People need to see that we are like the One we say we belong to. We, Christians must live this Life in the open for others to see! Not make it a private part of who we are. Our relationship with Christ should cause us to radiate to others! It should cause us to have morals and standards that are in line with His Word, that we practice even when under pressure from unbelievers! It should cause us to treat people, all people, whether they are like us or not, with decency and dignity! And with love and kindness, even if they are different in ethnicity, nationality, religion, economic status, values, etc. Jesus was like that. He talked to the most unlikely people. He was found in the most unlikely places (according to the religious), because His goal was relationship.

Relationship with God empowers us to relate to others in a way that transcends the way of man because God is Love! Out of our relationship with God, our relationships with others allow us to share the love of God in ways that bring transformation; to a person, a family, a community, a nation! Love is the antidote to a godless generation! Love is the antidote to the adult who carries an abused child on the inside! Love is the antidote for children without fathers around, and struggling, overworked and overwhelmed single moms and grandmas trying hard to make things work!

Love is the antidote for racism of all kinds, and for economic unfairness in our land! Love is the antidote for husbands, fathers, and men who are afraid that they may not live up to what it is to be a man! And love is the antidote to healthy relationships between men and women, for marriages to happen and to last, that is, God's love. Love is a spiritual concept. Perfect love, the Bible says, covers a multitude of sin, casts out fear, and operates out of faith. Love leads to actions that bring about good to others, that enacts God's righteousness in the practicalities of life. It doesn't sit on the porch watching, it walks off the porch and lends a hand. Love has to do something or it would not, in essence be love, that is, God's love.

For God so loved the world, that he did something. We must, too. We must refocus our energy on getting to know God, developing a relationship with Him by reading His Word to understand him. And praying to have conversation with Him. We must learn to put our trust in God so that we, too, can give to others the most precious commodity on earth, love, God's love, to bring change in America that will transform minds, hearts, and attitudes causing people's actions to be a help and strength to others; a blessing not a cursing. Changing individuals, families, communities, and this nation to being "one nation under the God of love...," with motives that have nothing to do with fear, but rather faith.

Faith in a God who is true, real, and able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask, think or imagine! He works through us. Won't you let Him? Choose to be an agent of godly change! Let's choose to be the kind of people, the church, that Jesus Christ died for... Changed for His glory, radically changed to impact lives for Him!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


New Year 2008. This year is destined to be great! So, why wait. It is time to skate. Not like a runaway bride, then you decide you want to hide, because you moved to fast and didn't think your decision all the way through. No, not you! This is the year when you begin to flow. All that has gone before has allowed you to grow. So, don't be slow. Move into this year with grace and dignity. Let the old be a lesson that helps you grow. Not a story that keeps you low. God's grace is sufficient for you! Please do not take His grace for granted or not give it the attention it deserves. Christ died and rose again for you, so that you could... whatever His call is on your should. Do it, say it, be it! Agree with God and flow! The Holy Spirit is running the show, so let this year be it; the year that everything within you yields to God Most High, and you flow with His plans and purposes for your life. I am sharing with you what I am talking to me, too. Whatever you have in your heart to do, if you are a follower of God, He is with you! So be bold, be strong, you can, I know you can... for His glory, by His grace, who knows how much time you have left to run this race.